It's time to look seriously at sucking CO2 out of the atmosphere
Updated by Brad Plumer on July 13, 2015, 2:10 p.m. ET @bradplumer

If you ask climate modelers how humanity can avoid severe global warming —
say, 2°C or more — most will say we need to do two big things. First, we'll
need to reduce global greenhouse gas emissions down to zero by the end of
the century. Second, since we've been so tardy in making those cuts, we'll
also need to figure out how to pull some carbon dioxide back out of the

And that's ... a problem. We at least have some notion of how to cut
emissions. But sucking carbon dioxide back out of the atmosphere? At the
massive scale likely needed? No one really has a clue how to do that. It's
a huge, embarrassing blind spot in climate policy.

If we're too slow in cutting emissions, we may need to remove some CO2 from
the atmosphere. But how?? (UNEP Emissions Gap Report 2014)

The IPCC has estimated that, to stay below 2°C of warming, we'll need to
zero out our emissions and start removing between 2 and 10 gigatons of CO2
from the atmosphere each year by 2050. For perspective, all of the world's
forests and soils put together currently remove just 3.3 gigatons of CO2
each year. So imagine doubling or tripling that. Planting more trees could
help, but we'll need sweeping new carbon-removal techniques on top of that.

Right now, we have only crude ideas of what that might entail. Perhaps we
could harvest trees sustainably, burn them for energy, and bury the
resulting emissions underground — a technology known as bioenergy with
carbon capture and sequestration (BECCS) that, in theory, is
carbon-negative. Or we could try to boost the carbon-absorbing capacity of
soil. Or we could deploy giant machines to suck CO2 out of the air (known
as "direct air capture"). But we don't yet know if these ideas are
feasible. And surprisingly few people are even working on this.

That's where Noah Deich comes in. A former clean tech consultant, he
noticed that hardly any industry groups or policymakers seemed to be
focused on developing techniques that scientists have deemed crucial for
saving the planet. So he recently launched the Center for Carbon Removal,
with the aim of bringing together scientists, industry, and policymakers
and figuring out whether there's a viable path for removing lots of CO2
from the air.

I called Deich to talk a bit more about carbon removal. He says we're still
in the very early stages of figuring out what works and what doesn't. "No
one," he notes, "has the answer right now." It's possible nothing will
work. But we need to start figuring that out soon — or tackling climate
change could prove vastly more difficult than we think.

(<a href="";>Caldecott
et al, 2015</a>)
Some of the most widely-discussed ideas for "negative emissions".
(Caldecott et al, 2015)

Brad Plumer: What's the basic case for paying more attention to carbon

Noah Deich: There are two pieces. One is that it looks very critical for
avoiding significant global warming. If we are unable to stay within our
emission budgets, there’s no way to stay below 2°C without negative

Second, more broadly, there are lot of negative emission systems out there
that seem to be good sustainable opportunities for sustainable
developments. There are a number of carbon-removal techniques in
agriculture that lead to increased soil fertility and water retention in
addition to carbon sequestration. I think we haven’t really thought about
all these different opportunities today — so if we expand from just
thinking about mitigation and adaptation to also thinking about carbon
removal, that starts to unlock a lot of potential.

BP: When you look at the IPCC's big report, its climate models suggest we
need staggering amounts of bioenergy with carbon capture and sequestration
(BECCS) to avoid 2°C of warming — removing between 2 and 10 gigatons of CO2
a year from the atmosphere by 2050. Is that even remotely realistic? Can it
even be done sustainably?

ND: The way I interpret those models, they're saying we'll need some
portfolio of net negative emissions. We don’t necessarily know what
technology will get us there. It could be BECCS. But we could also have a
breakthrough in direct air capture or agricultural techniques that help
sequester carbon in soils that can reduce the need for BECCS.

I think the key here is we need to analyze all those different
opportunities and start to say which ones work, which ones have potential,
and which ones don’t make sense for us to invest in because they won't be
sustainable or won't get to scale. Right now we don't even have enough data
to figure that out. We don’t have enough field trials or even basic
science. Here in the United States, we have a single BECCS plant — ADM's
ethanol facility in Decatur, Illinois, part of a Department of Energy
consortium to do test geological sequestration.

Models are great, they can help us understand the potential for this
technology, but we need to test whether the assumptions that go into those
models around cost, performance, and sustainability actually work. Because
if they don't, and we’re banking on this technology, then 10 to 20 years
down the road, we could be in real trouble.

Here's what a BECCS plant might look like. (Sanchez et al. 2015)

BP: What's the state of science around carbon removal?

ND: It depends on what you’re looking at. When you look at systems we’ve
been analyzing for a long time, like forests, we have a good idea of how
much carbon is sequestered in forests. But when it comes to biochar or
other soil carbons, or agricultural soil carbon, we still have a long way
to go to say what the net carbon balance looks like.

Then you have industrial-scale systems. There's a lot of science around
things like geologic sequestration for carbon. Here, the big need is for
technological innovation in things like direct air capture of CO2. Right
now, there are only three companies working on these technologies, whereas
if you look at solar there are hundreds. So we're very early on — there
isn’t even enough information for what the cost curve for direct air
capture or industrial scale carbon removal would look like, because we
haven't built these.

BP: It seems like there's little incentive to build any sort of industrial
device to remove CO2 from the atmosphere unless there's an explicit policy
in place to subsidize it. Is that necessary for carbon removal to take off?

ND: At a large scale, that’s probably fair. But also remember, today we use
about 100 million tons of CO2 in various industrial processes. The vast
majority is for enhanced oil recovery [in which carbon dioxide is injected
underground to pull up more oil out of wells], so the environmental impact
there is questionable.

But there are also sodas, fragrances, fire extinguishers — all these little
things that use compressed CO2. A lot of those people are paying $100 per
ton for compressed CO2 today, particularly if they're far away from a
natural source. So it seems like this could be a viable short-term market,
an opportunity to start, though eventually you'd likely need additional

BP: So what might those policies look like?

ND: Lots of different things. You could imagine various regulatory schemes
that incentivize industrial agricultural practices that sequester carbon.
Right now, the US Department of Agriculture pays farmers to conserve land —
we could tweak those programs to incentivize further carbon sequestration
through restoration of wetlands or grasslands.

Carbon pricing is one obvious route, if we could ever figure out how to do
that. But in the absence of that, there are still a lot of other regulatory
techniques. In renewable energy, we've relied on performance standards and
non-carbon-pricing policy tools to catalyze development.

BP: What's the most interesting work being done right now on carbon removal?

ND: From a business perspective, the most interesting carbon-removal work
today is being done on agricultural side — things like using biochar to
increase a soil’s fertility or water-retention ability, or farming in a way
that you raise cattle in a way that sequesters carbon in soil.

There's a strong business case for some of these techniques even without
carbon pricing, especially as we get greater climate extremes and need
things like greater soil resilience. What's critical here is to have better
science on how much carbon actually gets sequestered — since don’t want to
encourage techniques that don’t have much of benefit or can’t replicate
outside of certain ecosystems.

A worker lays out biochar to dry in the sun before it is packed and
distributed at the Eco Fuel Africa factory in Lugazi on January 29, 2013.
The process produces a powder which can be used as an organic fertilizer or
compressed for use as a bio fuel which burns longer than charcoal. AFP
PHOTO/Michele Sibiloni
A worker lays out biochar to dry in the sun before it is packed and
distributed at the Eco Fuel Africa factory in Lugazi on January 29, 2013.
The process produces a powder that can be used as an organic fertilizer or
compressed for use as a biofuel, which burns longer than charcoal. (Michele
Sibiloni/AFP/Getty Images)

BP: Could we really sequester enough CO2 in the soil through better
agricultural techniques to make a difference, climate-wise?

ND: Yeah, the potential is very large, at least. The amount of carbon that
remains in soil is significantly larger than the overall carbon that’s in
the atmosphere. So there's a huge reservoir. The question is how much we
have depleted over time [through agricultural practices] and how much we
could potentially add back. Those are both uncertain.

BP: What about some of these industrial scale ideas — direct air capture?
Is that really viable?

ND: When you talk about direct air capture, people often say you’re crazy.
There's no reason to capture CO2 from ambient air, which is only about 0.04
percent CO2, when you could capture CO2 directly from the smokestack, which
is about 10 to 20 percent CO2.

Still, a handful of companies are making exciting progress on technologies
that can capture CO2 from the air. The problem is the price points are
around $100 per ton to $300 per ton [and some estimates peg it at $1,000
per ton or more], which is an order of magnitude too high. But if they can
bring that cost down, there's a lot of exciting opportunities there.

One example: A small startup in Switzerland called Climeworks has partnered
with Audi to make fuel directly from ambient air. That's not sequestration,
but it's a carbon-neutral fuel production process. If they could scale that
up economically, that could lead to techniques for sequestration. So there
are some companies flying in the face of conventional wisdom that this
doesn't make sense.

BP: So how does your Center for Carbon Removal fit in here? What problems
are you trying to solve?

ND: The big gap we’ve identified is that there needs to be a lot more
support from industry and the policy world to develop carbon removal
solutions. There's great urgency in the scientific community to do these
things, but that hasn't translated over to the industry and policy
communities that will be responsible for leading deployment.

So we're trying to get the conversation on carbon removal started in these
circles, which eventually means changing policies, building industry
consortia, figure out how to get carbon removal projects on the ground. So
we can understand what this big portfolio of net negative emissions looks
like. Because your questions — are these sustainable? what’s the potential?
what’s the market? — are really critical. And we don't know.

So we have a threefold strategy. One is to produce research and analysis,
aimed at industry and policy audiences. Second is convening events to bring
together industry and policy folks. Third is getting people more engaged.

I think there's a lot of potential for negative emissions to expand the
climate conversation politically and create new coalitions. You can bring
in energy, industry, agriculture, forestry. Bioenergy CCS is a weird
technology that combines renewable energy but also carbon capture — two
places in which advocates have not seen eye to eye. In theory, they could
have common interests, and that's what we want to test out.

But we want to get that discussion started and figure out what the right
answer is. We know no one has the right answer right now.

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