Forum Discussion- Rhode Island H 7578: The Climate Geoengineering Act of

In 2015 and 2016, a bill was introduced in the Rhode Island House of
Representatives to regulate climate geoengineering — an attempt that caught
many by surprise, as legislating a technology with global impacts on the
state level is a novel approach.

In this forum, science and technology policy experts and political
scientists discuss this move: its drawbacks, merits, and lessons learned –
Holly Jean Buck

Q&A with Wil Burns, Ph.D.What backstory do people need to know about this

This bill was originally introduced into the Rhode Island House of
Representatives by Representatives Karen MacBeth (D) and Justin Price (R)
in 2015. It appears that the original impetus for the bill was
Representative Price’s embrace of the so-called “chemtrail conspiracy,” the
purported plot by the government and/or corporations to use aircraft to
spray chemical or biological agents into the atmosphere for various
purposes. The bill failed to clear out of the House Environment and Natural
Resources Committee in 2015. It was “held for further study” in its 2016
incarnation in the same committee.

How were you involved?

In early 2016, Representative MacBeth approached me to review the bill, and
we agreed that I would engage in a re-draft. I emphasized that I did not
believe in chemtrails, and that the bill should focus on responsible
oversight of potential research into climate geoengineering that might
transpire in Rhode Island. Because the sponsors’ primary concern appeared
to be the risks posed by solar radiation management, we also agreed that
this would be the cynosure of the bill’s re-drafted language. As is true
with most legislation, compromises had to be made. There is language in the
bill that I consider a bit overblown in terms of its characterization of
climate geoengineering research, but this is the nature of politics. In the
end, I felt that the bill provided some salutary mechanisms to both ensure
scientific and public oversight.

What did you hope to achieve?

I had two purposes: Firstly, I was hoping to help draft legislation that
would serve as a model for discussion of what national legislation or
international governance might look like in terms of regulating
geoengineering research and potential deployment. This obviously won’t be
the ultimate province of sub-national actors; however, state legislation
often provides a model for national legislation and regulations. Some of
the elements included in the bill, such as thresholds for regulatory
interventions in terms of research, and environmental impact assessment,
are elements that should be included in national or international
governance approaches. The contours of these elements is certainly subject
to further debate, but it was my hope that this bill would provide a
foundation for said debates.

Secondly, I thought that a “live” bill would help to stimulate discussion
among both policymakers and the public about climate geoengineering in a
way that hasn’t happened to date, with geoengineering largely residing in
the theoretical realm for most people. I subscribe to the theory of
“anticipatory governance,” meaning that it’s critical to engage
stakeholders early in the process of the discussion of potentially
momentous decisions.

In your words, what would you say the takeaway from all this is?

Ultimately, the primary people testifying about the bill were those who
equate climate geoengineering with “chemtrails.” As a consequence, I think
the bill wasn’t really given serious consideration by the Rhode Island
House Environment and Natural Resources Committee. It is anticipated that
the bill will be re-introduced in the future. Hopefully, members of the
geoengineering community will weigh into the process.

Q & A with science and technology policy expertsWhat do you find
interesting or important about this piece of legislation?

Jesse Reynolds:  The most interesting aspect of Rhode Island H7578 is the
mere fact that it has been introduced as a state bill. The large-scale
climate geoengineering activities that the bill targets would have effects
well beyond state and even national borders. Yet for various reasons,
national and international legal instruments to manage climate engineering
– especially solar climate geoengineering – are absent and unlikely to
manifest in the near term.  It could thus, from a certain perspective, be
understandable for states to take action.

Lizzie Burns:  National and international governance structures are crucial
for the research and possible deployment of solar geoengineering. I
therefore find it interesting that one of the first US policy responses to
solar geoengineering arose on the state level. That said, however, state
legislation can often act as an important, useful model for federal
legislation and regulation, as Professor Wil Burns noted. As such, this
bill may prove to be a helpful starting point when policymakers seek to
craft much needed national legislation. Moreover, this bill may help spark
much needed public discussions around solar geoengineering.

Jack Stilgoe: The legislation seems well-meaning and on the whole accurate
in its description of claims made about geoengineering. The idea of
enacting principles that are broadly in line with the Oxford principles for
the governance of geoengineering seems sensible. However, there are
divergences from the Oxford principles that are important, and some lessons
that can be learned from cases like SPICE that I think would help make this
legislation more practicable.

What do you think is missing from the bill?  Or, what might you have done

Jack Stilgoe: In introducing SRM (especially stratospheric) geoengineering,
there needs to be something about how potent such ideas would be if
realised. They would be world-changing, analogous to nuclear weapons in
their strategic importance and uncertainties. The point is made that these
ideas are at an early stage and uncertain. In the text, they are presented
as ‘options’. They are not options. They do not exist. They are ideas,
proposals, schemes. They are, to all intents and purposes, imaginary, and
very, very little research is being done on what it would take to make them

With that in mind, I think the legislation needs to be clearer about the
object of governance. Is it trying to govern deployment? It seems to be
working with a ‘rogue geoengineer’ type scenario. I simply don’t believe
that is likely. The issue for me is about research. I would like the
legislation to contribute to the opening up of new models of science. I
would like it to encourage scientists to be more open (as per the Oxford
Principles) rather than preventing imaginary rogues from ‘doing’
geoengineering in a way that poses direct risks, which I think is more of
an issue with spurious ocean iron fertilization etc.

Jesse Reynolds:  The bill has some significant shortcomings. The definition
of “climate geoengineering” (“large-scale manipulation of the global
environment intended to manipulate the climate with the primary intention
of reducing undesirable climatic change caused by human beings”), which is
at the heart of the bill, is unclear. Does this include carbon dioxide
removal methods? If so, does the definition include all of them, or only
the more environmentally intrusive ones? Furthermore, the definition refers
to “large-scale,” which itself remains undefined, and twice to intention,
which can be very difficult to pin down, as seen in the Haida Gwaii

Lizzie Burns:  In outlining the definition of “climate geonengineering,”
the bill refers to both “solar radiation management” and “carbon dioxide
removal” methods (part 6.i and part 6.ii). While I understand that several
entities often group these two methods together when providing a broad
definition of “geoengineering,” I believe it is important to separate the
two methods when shaping policy. The two approaches haveincredibly
different characteristics that require different policy responses.

Secondly, in outlining the findings of fact, there are several ‘facts’
listed that are not supported by the latest peer-reviewed research (or at
least, not deemed as a ‘fact’ as much as a topic of ‘uncertainty’ that
needs more research). Moreover, in the findings of fact, I believe it is
important to distinguish between the risks of solar
geoengineering research versus deployment, as each will require different
governance structures.

Jesse Reynolds:  Its findings of fact are problematic. Climate
geoengineering has both potential benefits and risks, yet the bill cites
only the latter. And some of those that it does list – such as increased
air pollution – are strange. These are not serious concerns but are likely
remnants of the bill’s anti-chemtrail origins, cited by Wil.

What do you think we learned from this attempt?

Jack Stilgoe:  If the legislation is about deployment rather than research
(and I’m one of the people who things that line is blurred in many cases),
then some of the principles it outlines are excellent, such as the need for
ongoing monitoring and the desirability of public meetings. These would be
important anticipatory principles for doing this, but my concern is that,
in the next ten years, nothing anybody sensible is proposing would fall
into the remit of the legislation. With that in mind, I don’t like the
drawing of thresholds. The suggested threshold is from Keith and Parson,
yes? My concern is that it has been drawn in order to get society off
scientists’ backs, which misses the point and fails to learn the social
lessons from SPICE.

Jesse Reynolds:  Solar climate geoengineering, and some forms of carbon
dioxide removal, should not be regulated at the state level. At the very
least, such efforts could result in a confusing patchwork of state laws.
Worse, some resulting legislation could be simply bad, containing imprecise
language and leading to unintended legal consequences. Many state
legislators work only part time with small staff support, and are thus
unable to properly get up to speed with such a complex topic. These
phenomena were evident with human embryonic stem cell research, which – as
a result of a federal stalemate – was subject to extensive state-level
prohibitions, regulations, promotion, and funding during the previous

Another risk is that collaborating with believers in chemtrails could
result in blurring of that conspiracy with actual solar climate
geoengineering research, and could unintentionally legitimize that
conspiracy theory.  Although I appreciate the roles of anticipatory
governance and the states as policy laboratories, cited by Wil, my sense is
that in this case the risks outweigh the potential benefits.

Lizzie Burns:  There are several takeaways we can learn from this attempt,
particularly as it relates to public engagement. According to Wil, the main
people who testified about the bill were those who believed in the
“chemtrails” conspiracy theory; and that, as a result, the Rhode Island
House Environment and Natural Resources Committee did not consider the bill
too seriously. Solar geoengineering has large social and economic
implications, so the public must be engaged in the debate of how its
research and possible deployment is governed. The discussion should not be
confined to a select few, especially not those who believe in the
“chemtrails” conspiracy. Future bills would benefit immensely from much
broader public engagement, and include those from the research community,
non-profit environmental community, business community, and others in the
general public.


Holly Jean Buck is Faculty Fellow at FCEA, and a PhD candidate in
Development Sociology at Cornell University, where she is also a Research
Fellow at the Atkinson Center for a Sustainable Future.  Her research
interests include agro-ecology and climate-smart agriculture, energy
landscapes, land use change, new media, and science and technology studies.
With regards to climate engineering, she has written on humanitarian and
development approaches to geoengineering, gender considerations, and media
representations of geoengineering. As a geographer and creative writer, she
approaches social science analysis with both spatial and narrative lenses:
meaning that space and environmental geography matters, but so do
storylines, imagery, and performance.  She holds a MSc in Human Ecology
from Lund University in Sweden.

Wil Burns, PhD is the Co-Executive Director of the Forum for Climate
Engineering Assessment and a Scholar in Residence at the School of
International Service, at American University.  He is a Senior Fellow in
the International Law Research Program at the Centre for International
Governance Innovation (CIGI).

Lizzie Burns is a Fellow at the Harvard John A. Paulson School of
Engineering and Applied Sciences, where she is working with David Keith and
Gernot Wagner on developing a research program on solar geoengineering.
Having graduated from Williams College with a Bachelor of Arts degree in
Political Science and from the Harvard Kennedy School with a Master in
Public Policy, Lizzie focuses mostly closely on the policy issues
surrounding geoengineering. Prior to Harvard, Lizzie worked for the
non-profit advocacy organization Opportunity Nation. She also staffed a
U.S. Senate campaign and served as an intern at the White House Council on
Environmental Quality.

Jesse Reynolds is a scholar of international environmental policy, and a
postdoctoral researcher in the Department of European and International
Public Law at Tilburg University in The Netherlands. He researches and
teaches how society can develop rules, norms, and institutions to manage
environmental problems, particularly those involving new technologies.

Jack Stilgoe is senior lecturer in Science and Technology Studies at
University College London. He is the author of Experiment Earth:
Responsible Innovation in Geoengineering (Routledge).

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