Climate Engineering News Review for Week 42 of 2016

Upcoming Events and Deadlines

dium=social&> 18.10.2016,
Workshop: Creating an Ecosystem for a Carbon Balanced Planet, San Francisco

·         (new) 20.10.2016
mate-engineering-and-oxygen-homeostasis-and-disease/> , Lecture: ETH Science
Talks – Critical Thinking, Climate Engineering, and Oxygen Homeostasis and

_PDFs/workshop_nov16_schedule.pdf> 24.-25.11.2016, Workshop: SPP 1689
Workshop on the 1.5°C Target and Climate Engineering

06.12.2016, Lecture: Geoengineering climate change: do two wrongs make a
right?, Newcastle / UK

ry-assessments-of-radiation-management-geoengineering.html> 12.-16.12.2016,
AGU Fall Meeting with various CE sessions

·          <>
06.01.2017, Presentation: An Economic Anatomy of Climate Management
Technologies and Policies, Chicago/USA

and-the-anthropocene/> 28.02.2017, Call for Papers: Organizing and the
Anthropocene, Special Issue of 'Organization'



·         (new) ( <> no deadline)
Jobs at the Center for Carbon Removal

·          <>
15.12.2016 (Deadline), Job: Post-Doctoral Economics Fellow at the Keith


New Publications

·         Fairbrother, Malcolm (2016)
<> :
Geoengineering, moral hazard, and trust in climate science. Evidence from a
survey experiment in Britain

·         Burns, Elizabeth T.; et al. (2016)
F000461/abstract> : What do people think when they think about solar
geoengineering? A review of empirical social science literature, and
prospects for future research

·         Gabriel, Corey J.; et al. (2016)
<> : The G4Foam
Experiment. Global Climate Impacts of Regional Ocean Albedo Modification


Selected Media Responses

·         Bulletin of the Atomic Scientists
a9949> : ‘We’d have to finish one new facility every working day for the
next 70 years’—Why carbon capture is no panacea

·         New Scientist
biology-to-fix-our-broken-planet/> : Let’s harness synthetic biology to fix
our broken planet

·         Kurzweil
-nanotubes-for-use-in-batteries> : Converting atmospheric carbon dioxide
into carbon nanotubes for use in batteries

·         Vox
<> : No
country on Earth is taking the 2 degree climate target seriously

·         Inside Climate News
dioxide-air-james-hansen-2-degrees-paris-climate-agreement-global-warming> :
Removing CO2 From the Air Only Hope for Fixing Climate Change, New Study

·         Wired
<> : To Help
Cool the Climate, Add Aerosol

·         Center for Carbon Removal
_medium=social&> : Carbon removal
and the next frontier of corporate climate action: early opportunities (Part
2 of 2)

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