Climate Engineering News Review for Week 49 of 2016

Upcoming Events and Deadlines

·         (new) 30.11.2016
geoengineering-on-photovoltaic-electricity-output/> , Lecture: What is the
impact of climate change and geoengineering on photovoltaic electricity
output?, Leeds / UK

·         (new) 01.12.2016
eering> , Lecture: Climate Engineering: A Problem Solved or a Problem
Magnified?, Amsterdam / NL

06.12.2016, Lecture: Geoengineering climate change: do two wrongs make a
right?, Newcastle / UK

·         (new) 07.12.2016
and-clim-/E0-001-098007864-3> , Lecture: Exploring Ethics: Ethics of Climate
Change and Climate Engineering, San Diego / USA

ry-assessments-of-radiation-management-geoengineering.html> 12.-16.12.2016,
AGU Fall Meeting; list of CE relevant papers
ry-assessments-of-radiation-management-geoengineering.html> here

FQjCNG7sJe93uAzUnJUkihDNcIBpXTc6A&sig2=ihWnqiPR5UEsadOCR20qYQ> 15.12.2016,
Lecture: Assessing and Reducing the Risks of Solar Geoengineering, Hamburg /

·         (new) 15.12.2016
<> , CfP: Call
for abstracts for a special issue of “Climate Policy” on “Policy instruments
for limiting temperature rise to 1.5°C”

·          <>
06.01.2017, Presentation: An Economic Anatomy of Climate Management
Technologies and Policies, Chicago / USA

and-the-anthropocene/> 28.02.2017, Call for Papers: Organizing and the
Anthropocene, Special Issue of 'Organization'

·          <> 09.-12.10.2017, Conference:
Climate Engineering Conference 2017 (CEC17), Berlin / Germany



·          <> 01.12.2016
(deadline), Job: Tenure-track in climate sciences at Georgia Institute of

·         (new) 15.12.2016
(deadline), Job: Project Scientist at IASS and Graz in CEMICS

·          <>
15.12.2016 (deadline), Job: Post-Doctoral Economics Fellow at the Keith

31.12.2016 (deadline), Job: PhD opportunity: Geoengineering the Southern
Ocean? A transdisciplinary assessment

18.01.2017 (deadline), Job/fellowship: Apply to be an Environmental Fellow
at Harvard


New Publications

·         Jones, C. D.; et al. (2016)
<> :
Simulating the Earth system response to negative emissions

·         Irvine, Peter J.; et al.
<> (2016):
Towards a comprehensive climate impacts assessment of solar geoengineering


Selected Media Responses

·         PNAS <> : Core
Concept: Can bioenergy with carbon capture and storage make an impact?

·         Tagesspiegel
icht-nicht-aus/14879490.html> : Mitigating emissions is not enough (German)

·         FCEA Blog
eption-of-climate-engineering-done-and-what-can-it-do-holly-buck/> : What
has social science research on the public perception of climate engineering
done? And what can it do? – Holly Buck

·         Blog Picture Science
alan-robock-weather-modification/?utm_content=buffer53477&utm_medium=social&> : Big Picture Science – Weather
Vain: Alan Robock / Weather Modification

·         InTeGrate
y6.html> : Ocean Sustainability and Geoengineering (material for teaching)

·         Resilience
super-hero-syndrome> : Climate Change Policy and The Super-Hero Syndrome

·         New Scientist
ering-the-atmosphere-to-cool-earth/> : Time to stage trials of engineering
the atmosphere to cool Earth

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