U.S. should pursue controversial geoengineering research, federal scientists 
say for first time

By Eli Kintisch<> Jan. 9, 2017 , 
9:00 AM

The U.S. government office that oversees federally funded climate research has 
recommended studies into two areas of geoengineering research, marking the 
first time scientists in the executive branch have formally called for studies 
in the controversial field. The move, part of a climate science planning report 
sent today to Congress, will likely further normalize discussion of deliberate 
tinkering with the atmosphere to cool the planet, and of directly collecting 
carbon from the sky, both topics 
 in the climate science community. Yet the new endorsement of geoengineering 
research comes amid deep uncertainty about the direction that climate research 
will take under the new administration of president-elect Donald Trump.

Geoengineering is discussed in just two paragraphs of the 119-page 
 which aims to set out a research roadmap through 2021. "While climate 
intervention cannot substitute for reducing greenhouse gas emissions and 
adapting to the changes in climate that occur, some types of deliberative 
climate intervention may someday be one of a portfolio of tools used in 
managing climate change," the report states.

The U.S. Global Change Research Program (USGCRP), which produced the report, 
coordinates climate research across 13 departments and agencies. Currently, 
none expressly support geoengineering research, though federal climate science 
officials have been quietly reviewing the idea for the entirety of the Obama 
administration. In 2009, in his first public interview after receiving Senate 
confirmation for the job of White House science advisor, John Holdren said he 
had discussed the controversial idea in his new position. A 
 followed over whether the White House was "considering" geoengineering or not. 
In the aftermath, federal scientists rarely broached the topic publically, 
though influential institutions like the Royal Society in the United Kingdom, 
the U.S. National Academies and the House science committee subsequently called 
for government-funded geoengineering research.

The agencies haven't answered the call, as Science reported in 2015:

In recent years, scientists-often working on their own time-have published 
hundreds of theoretical or modeling papers on sun-blocking or carbon removal. 
But they've encountered numerous road blocks at funding agencies. When Douglas 
MacMartin of the California Institute of Technology in Pasadena approached the 
National Science Foundation for support on a modeling effort on [albedo 
modification], officials told him the work was too theoretical for the 
engineering division and too applied for the atmospheric science program. At 
DOE, Columbia University physicist Peter Eisenberger's proposed demonstration 
of a carbon sucking machine fared poorly since the department's carbon-capture 
program focuses on coal, he says.

Of the two main geoengineering approaches - altering the albedo, or 
reflectivity, of the Earth, and removing carbon from the atmosphere -- there 
have been more actual experiments involving carbon removal, including 
 at several companies. A federal report released in November laid 
 a strategy for the US to "deeply decarbonize" its economy by 2050, and said 
that developing CO2 removal techniques "may be necessary in the long run to 
constrain global average temperature increases to well below 2°C."

Excuse for inaction?

Some observers quietly worry that, under Trump, a new focus on climate 
engineering could become part of a justification for delaying government action 
to curb carbon emissions, with the reasoning that geoengineering technologies 
could later be used to remove carbon from the atmosphere, or prevent the 
warming effects of solar radiation.

Some types of deliberative climate intervention may someday be one of a 
portfolio of tools used in managing climate change.
USGCRP report

International relations professor Simon Nicholson, who co-runs the Forum for 
Climate Engineering Assessment at American University in Washington, D.C., says 
that the new call for federal geoengineering research, in the last days of the 
Obama administration, is "ironic and extraordinarily sad." Nicholson, like many 
researchers, has wanted federal research agencies to support more work in this 
area. Now, he fears that having "climate intervention on the radar of the new 
administration would be a distraction." He's reluctant to discuss the idea, he 
says. "The most important work to do with the new administration is to be sure 
they keep intact important international work on climate mitigation and 
adaptation." Over the long term, he worries that climate skeptics in the policy 
world, after dismissing climate change as a risk in recent years, could later 
change positions and say it was real, embracing climate engineering "as this 
magic solution that could solve the problem." (Many analysts believe reducing 
carbon emissions is first priority for preventing major climate disruptions.)

It's far too early to know what the new administration will do regarding a 
relatively obscure issue such as geoengineering. Nicholson says that even if 
research agencies under Trump avoid research into geoengineering techniques 
such as albedo modification, the U.S. intelligence community might remain 
interested, especially in whether other countries are pursuing their own 
planetary-cooling technologies, which could affect many nations.

The USGCRP report acknowledges this international aspect of the geoengineering 
challenge. "The need to understand the possibilities, limitations, and 
potential side effects of climate intervention becomes all the more apparent 
with the recognition that other countries or the private sector may decide to 
conduct intervention experiments independently from the U.S. Government," the 
report says. Richardson, however, is concerned that a focus on geoengineering 
purely as a security risk would be "a dangerous framing," since it could 
promote secrecy around climate engineering studies. Solar geoengineering 
studies should remain in the open and under the purview of academic and 
government scientists, he says, in order to build trust with the public and the 
global community of nations.

Jesse Reynolds
Postdoctoral researcher, and Research funding coordinator, sustainability and 
Department of European and International Public Law, Tilburg Law School
Tilburg University
Tel +31 (0) 13 466 2030

My latest publication: "Five solar geoengineering tropes that have outstayed 
their welcome<>" in 
Earth's Future

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