Dust influence on the carbon cycle: a tool to combat the climate change

The detailed analysis of dust iron influence on the climate presented by Oeste et al., (2017) - available for download at: http://www.earth-syst-dynam.net/8/1/2017/ - has revealed how mankind could take most effective profit from these natural iron effects as to sink the actual rising greenhouse gas levels in the order to stop and return the climate temperature and sea level rise. The technical essential of this simple natural climate regulation model of the Ice Ages is the“Iron Salt Aerosol Method“, in short “ISA method”.

A central result of the ISA method is, that any kind of flue gases from power works or even other kinds of hot gas streams may be used as an iron dust emission device to move ISA preferable a kilometer above ground. Even fossil power works, known as extreme CO2 greenhouse gas emitters could change their bad environmental image according to the ISA method to just the opposite: by help of the ISA method they might induce the transformation and storage of their CO2 carbon plus additional atmospheric CO2 carbon as organic and carbonate carbon at and within the ocean floor sediment and bedrock.

According to its technical simplicity and its striking greenhouse gas depletion effect the ISA method is of high efficiency. A world-wide spread emission of 100,000 to 300,000 t Fe per year by the ISA method may be enough to gain the climate goals. This quantum corresponds to a precipitation average of only one thousandth part of a gram iron per square meter surface during one year of emission. According to the economic feasibility of the ISA method to condition this iron quantity it represents neither a technical nor an economical problem to mankind.

Advantage over concurring climate engineering proposals are the multiple different climate cooling actions of the ISA method:

· Albedo increase by direct and indirect cloud whitening and cloud life time elongation

·         Atmospheric CH4 depletion by photolytic chlorine activation

·         Tropospheric ozone and soot aerosols depletion

· Terrestrial landscapes CH4 emissions inhibition from wetlands, peat bogs, and tidal flats by inhibition and oxidation activation

· CO2 absorption activation by phytoplankton blooms generation at ocean surfaces and growth activation of plants by chlorosis prevention on continents

· Preventing from ocean stratification from meltwater run-off by surface cooling

· Activation of the CO2 absorption by the ocean surface by surface cooling

But the most convincing advantage of the ISA method seems to be the proof of the results of its natural model generated during the Ice Age.


Oeste, F.D., de Richter, R., Caillot, S., Ming, T., 2017. Climate engineering by mimicking natural dust climate control: the iron salt aerosol method. Earth System Dynamics, 8, 1-54, doi:10.5194/esd-8-1-2017.

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