Dear Amal

Thank you for this key question which can be answered like follows:

Healthy ocean phytoplankton layer (PL) plants and green microbes cannot assimilate carbon dioxide or carbon dioxide solutions like the continental plants. (PL) plants are forced to use bicarbonate instead of CO2. As a consequence of this fact the PL needs to generate one hydroxyl ion for every bicarbonate carbon assimilated to organic carbon.

This is no disadvantage for the PL as it seems at first sight. This assimilation effect produces a basicity membrane at the surface of the globes ocean which prevents the bicarbonate carbon from leaving the ocean and which activates the atmospheric CO2 to get absorbed by the basicity of the ocean surface. Because every hydroxyl ion produces a new bicarbonate ion by CO2 absorption from the atmosphere the PL cannot not go short in carbon delivery for organic carbon production.

Additional to organic carbon PL plants need nitrogen, sulphur and halogens for production of organic N, S, and halogen compounds. Also this organics become fertilized by the PL life from dissolved salts like sulphates, nitrates, and halogenides and also generate OH ions during their conversion to organic hetero compounds. Also this metabolic reactions of the PL produce additional alkalinity.

Healthy PL can compensate excessive basicity generation which would increase the pH values to >9 that is adverse to healthy metabolism. The sequestration of solid carbonate shells and skeletons from bicarbonate is a measure to compensate such uncontrolled pH increase because every carbonate generated produces one molecule carbonic acid which neutralizes the OH ions by bicarbonate generation. Such carbon shell producers in the PL for instance are coccolithophores and foraminifera. Even within extreme productive PL layers like the Humboldt Current upwelling system in front of the South American west coast this kind of carbonate sequestration keeps the pH well within the metabolic optimum.

Because the assimilation reaction and basicity generation is only active during daytime the pH decreases during the night and even may drop to values of 8 or even below. This phenomenon of the dark is the cause of the CO2 escape from upwelling deep water within the polar parts of the ocean during the long lasting winter night because during this season the basicity membrane of the ocean has a hole within these regions.

So called "Ocean Acidification" said to be a cause of the increased CO2 concentration in the atmosphere has not been caused by this effect. Actual cause are damages to the complex PL layer ecosystem which reduces their assimilation activity and OH ion productivity: During the very warm Cretaceous epoch the phytoplankton and ocean life flourished as can be seen from the chalk cliffs of Dover and many fossilized remains found in many other regions of the world. The cliffs had built from the carbonate preciptating healthy and productive PL life. During the epoche of the Cretaceous the CO2 levels within the atmosphere had been up to 5 times of the recent level.

Franz D. Oeste

------ Originalnachricht ------
Von: "Amal Bhattarai" <>
An: "Robert Tulip" <>
Cc: "" <>;; "geoengineering" <>;
Gesendet: 02.06.2019 23:20:39
Betreff: Re: [CDR] Re: [geo] High Level Review of a Wide Range of Proposed Marine Geoengineering Techniques

Regarding kelp forests for marine sequestration, how is one to understand that it is atmospheric carbon that is being sequestered, and not the oceanic dissolved carbon, of which there is plenty?

On Sun, Jun 2, 2019 at 7:09 AM 'Robert Tulip' via Carbon Dioxide Removal <> wrote:
Dear Mark

Thank you for sharing your AdjustaDepth Phase 1 Final Report DE-AR0000916 <> on the potential for seaweed forests to address global needs for food, fuel and climate. I encourage readers to review the linked report, as it provides a compelling scientific agenda for reversing global warming and cleaning up the oceans.

I would like to know if there has been media coverage of this project, as it seems to me one of the biggest and most important efforts now underway for practical climate action.

Best wishes

Robert Tulip

On Tuesday, 21 May 2019, 4:44:08 am AEST, <> wrote:

A non-geoengineering approach could reverse climate change faster than the Marine Geoengineering techniques listed in the GESAMP report. Estimated initial investments in attached "$100B-Proposal..." presume that the Feed the world and Fuel the world produce profits and quickly snowball to full global capacity.

The Reverse climate change step might be classified as geoengineering. It could use any good-for-millennial and ocean restorative carbon storage technique.

Mark E. Capron, PE
Ventura, California
Feed the world. Fuel the world. Reverse climate change.

-------- Original Message --------
Subject: [geo] High Level Review of a Wide Range of Proposed Marine
Geoengineering Techniques
From: Andrew Lockley <>
Date: Tue, March 12, 2019 4:41 am
To: "
<>, geoengineering

High Level Review of a Wide Range of Proposed Marine Geoengineering Techniques

2019 #98 (143p.)
Author(s): GESAMP
Publisher(s): GESAMP
Journal Series GESAMP Reports and Studies
This report comprehensively examines a wide range o marine geoengineering techniques to remove carbon dioxide from the atmosphere or boost the reflection of incoming solar radiation to space (albedo modification) or in some cases both. Further, the report recommends a) that a coordinated framework for proposing marine geoengineering activities, submitting supporting evidence and integrating independent expert assessment must be developed and b) that a greater expertise on wider societal issues is sought with the aim to establish a knowledge base and provide a subsequent analysis of the major gaps in socio-economics and geopolitics.
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