Poster's note : this has significant implications for the engineering of
delivery systems. I can't do the pressure altitude conversion in my head,
but it's a lot higher than what's generally been planned for. We're gonna
need a bigger boat.

Climate system response to stratospheric sulfate aerosols: sensitivity to
altitude of aerosol layer
Krishna-Pillai Sukumara-Pillai Krishnamohan et al. Received: 01 May
2019 – Discussion started: 23 May 2019 – Revised: 24 Oct 2019 – Accepted:
08 Nov 2019 – Published: 13 Dec 2019
top <>

Reduction of surface temperatures of the planet by injecting sulfate
aerosols in the stratosphere has been suggested as an option to reduce the
amount of human-induced climate warming. Several previous studies have
shown that for a specified amount of injection, aerosols injected at a
higher altitude in the stratosphere would produce more cooling because
aerosol sedimentation would take longer. In this study, we isolate and
assess the sensitivity of stratospheric aerosol radiative forcing and the
resulting climate change to the altitude of the aerosol layer. We study
this by prescribing a specified amount of sulfate aerosols, of a size
typical of what is produced by volcanoes, distributed uniformly at
different levels in the stratosphere. We find that stratospheric sulfate
aerosols are more effective in cooling climate when they reside higher in
the stratosphere. We explain this sensitivity in terms of effective
radiative forcing: volcanic aerosols heat the stratospheric layers where
they reside, altering stratospheric water vapor content, tropospheric
stability, and clouds, and consequently the effective radiative forcing. We
show that the magnitude of the effective radiative forcing is larger when
aerosols are prescribed at higher altitudes and the differences in
radiative forcing due to fast adjustment processes can account for a
substantial part of the dependence of the amount of cooling on aerosol
altitude. These altitude effects would be additional to dependences on
aerosol microphysics, transport, and sedimentation, which are outside the
scope of this study. The cooling effectiveness of stratospheric sulfate
aerosols likely increases with the altitude of the aerosol layer both
because aerosols higher in the stratosphere have larger effective radiative
forcing and because they have higher stratospheric residence time; these
two effects are likely to be of comparable importance.

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