June 30, 2020

By Ben Kravitz

I’m writing this blog from my couch, where I’ve effectively been for the
past 3 ½ months in self-quarantine due to COVID-19. Putting myself in the
shoes I was wearing ten years ago, if you asked me in 2010 where I see
myself in 2020, I guarantee you that I would have gotten the answer wrong.

Speaking of looking back over the past decade, 2020 marks the ten-year
anniversary of the Geoengineering Model Intercomparison Project (GeoMIP).
The original publication establishing the project and the first round of
climate modeling experiments was submitted in 2010 to a special issue of
Atmospheric Science Letters. Since then, GeoMIP has involved hundreds of
researchers from around the world and is to date the single largest source
of scientific information about solar geoengineering.

On this tenth anniversary, I thought it would be interesting to look back
at that original GeoMIP paper and see how my thinking has evolved over the
past decade. This excerpt1 stuck out:

[The experiment] assumes an RCP4.5 scenario...but with additional
stratospheric aerosol added starting in the year 2020, which is a
reasonable estimate of when the delivery systems needed to inject the
aerosols might be ready.

Well, I sure am terrible at predicting the future. The world has
(thankfully) not yet decided to deploy climate-altering solar
geoengineering. Nevertheless, publishing this statement did have
consequences for the future. Numerous climate modeling studies have since
begun their simulations in 2020 thanks to GeoMIP’s precedent. Many of these
geoengineering studies that show a start date of 2020 are highlighted in
reports at national and international scales.

We picked 2020 because it was a nice, round number in which we could begin
our simulations. Thankfully that decision has not been widely used outside
of scientific research. But what if governments had been more ready to
deploy and perhaps looking for some kind of justification? If the largest
geoengineering research group on the planet says that this is the year to

Let’s take another example2:

The sudden start of the aerosol injection in 2020 is meant to approximate
the kind of action that might result from society’s sudden perception of a
climate warming ‘emergency’ (e.g., an immediate imperative to stop ice
sheet melting).

This assertion was a somewhat casual justification for suddenly starting
stratospheric aerosol injection in our simulations, as opposed to ramping
up the level of injection, as has been suggested by others. Much has been
written about climate emergencies in geoengineering in subsequent years,
far more eloquently than I can replicate here. But two especially salient
points come to mind:

An emergency is a political declaration, usually to justify some
“extraordinary” action in response to a perceived threat. Declaring an
emergency can allow the state to circumvent normal political processes to
allow, for example, rapid allocation of resources or exercise of executive
power (such as financial relief during a natural disaster or martial law
during civil unrest). Each of these decisions has enormous sociopolitical
ramifications that, quite frankly, I am totally unqualified to comment on.
There is an inherent assumption in this passage: if geoengineering were
used to combat a declared climate emergency, then the way it would be done
is suddenly switching on a large amount of geoengineering. That assumption
not only has no basis in fact, but based on research that has been
conducted over the past decade, I personally believe that suddenly
deploying a large amount of geoengineering is a terrible idea.

Why is this passage problematic? Again, statements from the world’s largest
geoengineering research effort influence how ideas are shaped and
discussed, not just among the scientific community, but also in society and
politics. As I recall, this sentence was not debated at length, which in
retrospect seems like an enormous oversight. I cringe at the possibility
that this sentence might be used as part of a justification for any
potential deployment.

I don’t mean to turn this blog into a guilt party. I’m proud of all that
GeoMIP has accomplished for the science of solar geoengineering, and the
credit for that rests entirely with the body of researchers who have so
generously donated their time and effort to conducting simulations,
preparing output, and evaluating the simulation results. GeoMIP continues
to grow, often serving as an entry point for newcomers to the field.

It is those newcomers I think about. What messages are they taking away
from things I have said? If I had taken more care with what I say, would
they come away with a different message about solar geoengineering?

Looking back over the past ten years has been a useful, if somewhat
embarrassing, reminder of how important it is to pay close attention when
discussing solar geoengineering. Words matter, and humility in the
communication process can go a long way. After all, the idea we’re
researching and debating is modifying Earth’s climate. Carelessness has no
place here.

1That original paper had multiple coauthors, but I think the responsibility
for this passage rests with me.

2Like the previous example, I’m taking responsibility for this one. Please
direct your criticism my way.

Ben Kravitz is an Assistant Professor in the Department of Earth and
Atmospheric Sciences at Indiana University. His research involves using
climate modeling to better understand the Earth system. He is the
co-founder and coordinator of the Geoengineering Model Intercomparison
Project (GeoMIP).

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