I have rarely posted to this group (I'm a lurker, I read your posts!) so I
hope this goes through.
It occurs to me that we have an actual, physical, real SAI "experiment"
going on right now with the very high smoke over the eastern US from the
catastrophic western wildfires. Skies are gray and it is really cool here
on the East Coast. Can this situation be used in any way to measure
anything valuable from a real physical occurrence of SRM? How similar or
different is this from any of the proposed SAI schemes? Is anyone using
this crazy opportunity to better understand some of the predictions? Or am
I way off base here....? If nothing else, it seems as if it can be used as
a public demonstration of "what if we implemented SAI". But feel free to
shoot this down if I am completely misunderstanding what's happening with
this smoke in the stratosphere.
Where are the particles going to fall, is that predicted yet? Is this going
to have a fertilization effect on the Atlantic Ocean?
Just wondering about all of this to displace my severe anxiety about the
fires (my son in Oregon evacuated but just came back to his house), the
election, the pandemic, teaching online, all of that fun stuff...


Jessica Gurevitch
Distinguished Professor
Department of Ecology and Evolution
Stony Brook University
Stony Brook, NY 11794-5245 USA

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