The Montreal Protocol protects the terrestrial carbon sink

Paul J. Young, Anna B. Harper, Chris Huntingford, Nigel D. Paul, Olaf
Morgenstern, Paul A. Newman, Luke D. Oman, Sasha Madronich & Rolando R.

AbstractThe control of the production of ozone-depleting substances through
the Montreal Protocol means that the stratospheric ozone layer is recovering
1 <> and that
consequent increases in harmful surface ultraviolet radiation are being
avoided2 <>,3
<>. The Montreal
Protocol has co-benefits for climate change mitigation, because
ozone-depleting substances are potent greenhouse gases4
<>. The avoided
ultraviolet radiation and climate change also have co-benefits for plants
and their capacity to store carbon through photosynthesis8
<>, but this has
not previously been investigated. Here, using a modelling framework that
couples ozone depletion, climate change, damage to plants by ultraviolet
radiation and the carbon cycle, we explore the benefits of avoided
increases in ultraviolet radiation and changes in climate on the
terrestrial biosphere and its capacity as a carbon sink. Considering a
range of strengths for the effect of ultraviolet radiation on plant growth8
<>, we estimate
that there could have been 325–690 billion tonnes less carbon held in
plants and soils by the end of this century (2080–2099) without the
Montreal Protocol (as compared to climate projections with controls on
ozone-depleting substances). This change could have resulted in an
additional 115–235 parts per million of atmospheric carbon dioxide, which
might have led to additional warming of global-mean surface temperature by
0.50–1.0 degrees. Our findings suggest that the Montreal Protocol may also
be helping to mitigate climate change through avoided decreases in the land
carbon sink.

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