Cirrus cloud thinning using a more physically-based ice microphysics scheme

Colin Tully, David Neubauer, Nadja Omanovic, and Ulrike Lohmann

Cirrus cloud thinning (CCT) is a relatively new radiation management
proposal to counteract anthropogenic climate warming by targeting Earth’s
terrestrial radiation balance. The efficacy of this method was presented in
several general circulation model (GCM) studies that showed widely varied
radiative responses, originating in part from the differences in the
representation of cirrus ice microphysics between the different GCMs. The
recent implementation of a new, more physically based ice microphysics
scheme (Predicted Particle Properties, P3) that abandons ice hydrometeor
size class separation into the ECHAM-HAM GCM, coupled to a new approach for
calculating cloud fractions that increases the relative humidity (RH)
thresholds for cirrus cloud formation, motivated a reassessment of CCT
efficacy. In this study, we first compared CCT sensitivity between the new
cloud fraction approach and the original ECHAM-HAM cloud fraction approach.
With the P3 scheme and the higher RH thresholds for cirrus cloud formation,
we find a significant cooling response of −0.36 Wm−2 only for our
simulation with a seeding particle concentration of 1 L−1, due mostly to
rapid cloud adjustments. The most notable response is the reduction of the
maximum global-mean net top-of-atmosphere (TOA) radiative anomalies from
overseeding by more than 50 %, from 9.0 Wm−2 with the original cloud
fraction approach, down to 4.3 Wm−2 using the new cloud fraction RH
thresholds by avoiding artificial ice-cloud expansion upon ice nucleation.
We attribute the large positive TOA anomalies to seeding particles
overtaking both homogeneous nucleation and heterogeneous nucleation on
mineral dust particles within cirrus clouds to produce more numerous and
smaller ice crystals. This effect is amplified by longer ice residence
times in clouds due to the more realistic, slower removal of ice via
sedimentation in the P3 scheme. In an effort to avoid this overtaking
effect of seeding particles, we increased the default critical ice
saturation ratio (Si,seed) for ice nucleation on seeding particles from the
default value of 1.05 to 1.35 in a second sensitivity test. With the higher
Si,seed we eliminate overseeding and are able to produce cooling responses
over a broader range of seeding particle concentrations, with the largest
cooling of −0.32 Wm−2 for a seeding particle concentration of 10 L−1, which
suggests that Si,seed is a key factor to consider for future CCT studies.
However, the global-mean TOA anomalies contain high uncertainty. In
response, we examined the TOA responses regionally and found that specific
regions only show a small potential for targeted CCT, which is partially
enhanced by using the larger Si,seed. Finally, in a seasonal analysis of
TOA responses to CCT, we find that our results do not support the previous
finding that high-latitude wintertime seeding is a feasible strategy to
enhance CCT efficacy, as seeding in our model enhances the already positive
cirrus longwave cloud radiative effect. Instead, our results show that
summertime cooling occurs due to adjustments of lower-lying mixed-phase and
liquid clouds. Therefore, we conclude that CCT is unlikely to act as a
feasible climate intervention strategy on a global scale, and should be
investigated further with higher-resolution studies in potential target
regions and with studies dedicated to assessing potentially realistic
seeding particle materials.

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