Before making a mammoth, ask the public

Victoria Herridge

Every few years for the past 20 or so, the story resurfaces, frozen in time
like a permafrost carcass. At some future point, typically within the
decade, scientists hope to ‘bring back the mammoth’. There have been a few
tantalizing results — stirrings in mammoth nuclei transplanted into mouse
eggs (K. Yamagata *et al. Sci. Rep*. 9, 4050; 2019
<>) — but that’s it.
Hence raised eyebrows at last month’s announcement by de-extinction
champion and geneticist George Church, co-founder (with entrepreneur Ben
Lamm) of biotechnology start-up Colossal: yet again, the world has about
five years until a wobbly, woolly calf takes its first steps into the

What Colossal actually aims to produce is less a mammoth than a new
synthetic species, a chimaera of Asian elephant DNA and mitochondria,
mammoth genetic code and, from the probable surrogate dam, African elephant
epigenetics. The resulting cold-adapted elephants — Colossal hopes — will
trample and graze northern Siberia to create something akin to the Ice Age
grasslands of the woolly mammoth’s heyday. Compacted, cooler soils and
paler, more reflective foliage, will — the company says — help to avert
climate disaster. De-extinction this is not. This is synthetic biology
meets geoengineering.

Although I question the timeline, it was ethics, not feasibility, that was
my main concern back in July, when Lamm asked if I, an outspoken critic of
mammoth de-extinction, would join the advisory board.

I said no. Not because I doubt Colossal’s motives. Its founders are driven
by a real desire to help the world, and have recruited expert advisers,
including at least two excellent bioethicists. They are thoughtful and
serious, and I wish them well. But reshaping the planet shouldn’t be left
to a chosen few, with insider advice from hand-picked experts. Instead,
Colossal, and all companies like it, should do something as radical for
business as its plans are for the planet: actively involve the public in
its research decisions.

Colossal’s plans push into ethically and politically fraught territory,
operating on time scales that legislation can’t keep pace with: gene
editing; reproductive technology; animal welfare; conservation; and land
management, to name a few. Both geoengineering and synthetic biology have a
poor track record when it comes to people taking matters into their own
hands. In 2012, the Haida Salmon Restoration Corporation, based in
Vancouver, Canada, tipped 120 tonnes of iron sulfate and iron oxide into
international waters off the coast of British Columbia as part of an ocean
fertilization project, without the knowledge of national authorities. And
there is Chinese researcher He Jiankui, sentenced to prison last year for
his role in using CRISPR technology in at least two human embryos,
resulting in the birth of gene-edited babies. These incidents have had a
chilling effect on public trust and on research, and have destroyed the
careers of at least three scientists. Open, public participation can
rebuild that trust, and improve research outcomes.

Openness and public participation are core components of the Oxford
Principles for geoengineering governance, which have underpinned
international ethical and legal discourse on geoengineering since their
endorsement by the UK government in 2010. These values are also central to
the development of regulatory frameworks for genome engineering in humans,
and to the potential requirement for free and informed consent from
Indigenous and local communities before the implementation of engineered
gene drives, in which altered genes propagate through an animal population.
And they sit at the heart of the United Nations Research Roadmap for the
COVID-19 Recovery.

But they coexist uncomfortably with the business needs of confidentiality
and the control of intellectual property. And consulting the public costs
money. Colossal has committed to “radical” transparency, inclusion and
community engagement, but has the chance to set the bar even higher, by
empowering the public as part of its de-extinction journey.

There are tested ways to bring the public into research decisions. Groups
such as Expert & Citizen Assessment of Science and Technology (ECAST) in
the United States and Involve in the United Kingdom have pioneered public
participatory research. For example, NASA’s Double Asteroid Redirection
Test Mission, launching on 24 November, can be traced, in part, to public
consultation run by ECAST in 2014, when planetary defence was flagged as a
key public concern, shaping NASA’s long-term strategic focus.

True, this approach can act as a brake on research plans. In 2020, the
solar geoengineering project SCoPEx, run by researchers at Harvard
University in Cambridge, Massachusetts, suspended field experiments in
Sweden in response to feedback gathered by its independent advisory
committee. But for a business such as Colossal, as for NASA, this extra
input could equally be a catalyst for innovation, and a way to remove the
risk of derailment by protest and controversy. The gene-drive project Mice
Against Ticks, for example, benefited when local involvement identified
potential unanticipated ecological consequences (J. Buchthal *et al. Phil.
Trans. R. Soc. B* 374, 20180105; 2019

The ethical road to de-extinction has to include informed citizen voices,
alongside experts and activists. This might mean that the process takes
longer than five years, but private enterprises working for the common good
shouldn’t shy away from the views of those they seek to serve. Let the
people decide the future world they want to build.

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