Southeast Asian expert perceptions of solar radiation management techniques
and carbon dioxide removal approaches: caution, ambivalence, risk
precaution, and research directions

Laurence L Delina


As the climate crisis intensifies in its impacts, discussions around the
deployment of geoengineering solutions in case other interventions fail or
prove insufficient have figured in research and have even been on the
agenda of the United Nations. There have been calls for more investigation
of geoengineering techniques to address the climate crisis. Yet, this
response presents technological unknowns and economic, political, and
ethical risks. Producing knowledge on these techniques has been pushed in
many research institutes in the global North, especially in the United
States, Europe, and Australia. Still, contributions from global South
researchers, including those in Southeast Asia, remain scant. This paper
describes the responses of seventeen climate and energy experts from
southeast Asia on a purposively designed survey that collected expert
opinions on two geoengineering techniques: solar radiation modification
(SRM) and carbon dioxide removal (CDR), their risks, impacts, and
governance as they pertain to their countries and region. Respondents
showed ambivalence towards these techniques, with many supporting 'natural'
CDR research and deployment while being cautious about 'technological' SRM
and CDR research and deployment. Although respondents would welcome
research on these technologies, especially their risks and impacts, they
also identified critical barriers in research capacity development and
funding availability.

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