
Here is a list of recent podcasts on the topics of Geoengineering.

Hope you enjoy it!

*Arctic SAI - Walker Lee*
by Reviewer2DoesGeoengineering


The Cornell Mafia are taking over the Arctic. Walker Lee explains how their
high-latitude, low-altitude scheme works. It's an offer you can't refuse.

*International Non-use Agreement - Cooper & Futerman*
by Reviewer2DoesGeoengineering


Aaron Cooper @AMCooper86 and Gideon Futerman @GFuterman discuss the
International Non-Use Agreement on Solar Geoengineering letter from
https://www.solargeoeng.org/ @SolarGeoeng

*A defence of SRM - Irvine*
by Reviewer2DoesGeoengineering


Pete Irvine is a stalwart of SRM. Here, he makes the case for its continued
consideration as a policy option. This comes at a time when ongoing
research on SRM is being subject to one of its most determined challenges

*Geoengineering, the gamble - Wagner*
by Reviewer2DoesGeoengineering


Gernot Wagner talks about genocide, death threats, and the corruption of
academia. He's not a man you want to mess with. So, when he tries to sell
you his book, you're going to do exactly as you're told. Understand?

*C2GTalk: How can fiction help people think about solar radiation
modification? with Eliot Peper*
by Carnegie Council Audio Podcast


When author Eliot Peper first heard about solar geoengineering, or solar
radiation modification, he knew he had to write a novel. “There are so many
different angles on this kind of a problem. It raises so many questions
that impact every area of our lives,” he told C2GTalk. Speculative fiction,
says Peper, can spark people’s curiosity and inspire them to become
engaged. “If it makes other people look more deeply and pay more attention,
to me that’s a huge win.”

*C2GDiscuss: Governing Solar Radiation Modification Research: Insights from
Marine Cloud Brightening and the Great Barrier Reef*
by Carnegie Council Audio Podcast


In response to climate change risks, scientists are considering the
viability of developing and deploying marine cloud brightening (MCB), which
seeks to whiten clouds over the ocean to reflect solar radiation back into
space in order to achieve cooling. MCB is still largely theoretical, but if
ever deployed at scale, could create large and potentially long-term risks
and governance challenges.

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