*WEEKLY SUMMARY (October 31st, 2022 to November 6th, 2022)*

Hello! I bring to you this time a small list of recent
publications, videos, and podcasts on the topics of Geoengineering.

Enjoy! Hope we all have a great week.

Preparing the United States for security and governance in a geoengineering


Radical breakthroughs for climate change? First we must deploy existing
defence department is looking for rogue geoengineers AI climate models and
game theory will both help


Economic interests and ideologies behind solar geoengineering research in
the United States
on Geoengineering in The Australian
Interview on ABC Science Show


The Case for Researching Solar Geoengineering


Volcanic Climate Warming Through Radiative and Dynamical Feedbacks of SO2
https://agupubs.onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/10.1029/2021GL096612 The Global
South Climate Database
https://www.carbonbrief.org/global-south-climate-database/Interesting paper
on combining CDR and SRM
Intervention Scenario Design Workshop: Oct 31-Nov 2nd, 2022
https://www.ccis.ucar.edu/events/workshops/2022 Beyond climate
stabilization: Exploring the perceived sociotechnical co-impacts of carbon
removal and solar geoengineering
https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S0921800922003093The time
for geoengineering is now
climate risks and sunlight radiation modification: a roadmap approach for
physical sciences research

2-year postdoc at University of Cambridge on the climatic impacts of large
volcanic eruption clusters. https://www.jobs.cam.ac.uk/job/37978/ Postdoc
positions (LMU Munich) in land and Earth system modeling

RESCUE (Response of the Earth System to overshoot, Climate neUtrality and
negative Emissions):




Challenging Climate22. Oliver Morton on reaching net zero, and the
feasibility and politics of geoengineering


YOUTUBE VIDEOSThere's a playlist with more videos on topic, you can check
it here: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLF8369A27273314D8

*Day 1 | CCIS Scenarios Workshop*


BY: The COMET Program/MetEd

*CCIS Scenarios Workshop Day 2 - New Youtube Link*


Solar Geoengineering: Warnings from Scientists, Indigenous Peoples and
Climate Activists


BY: ETC Group

Greta Thunberg, Vandana Shiva, Tom Goldtooth, Naomi Klein, Åsa Larsson
Blind, Bill McKibben, Michael Mann, Raymond Pierrehumbert and Jennie
Stephens share their perspectives — and their cautions — on the growing
issue of solar geoengineering.

Roberto Schaeffer: Might Solar Radiation Modification be needed to reduce
global warming?


BY: C2G Carnegie Climate Governance Initiative

This video is an excerpt taken from the C2GTalk interview with Roberto
Schaeffer, Full Professor of Energy Economics at the Energy Planning
Programme, Federal University of Rio de Janeiro, Brazil.

Per Heggenes: Why is IKEA Foundation investing in the governance of solar
radiation modification?https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wB2mwXx2YOk

BY: C2G Carnegie Climate Governance Initiative

This video is an excerpt taken from the C2GTalk interview with Per
Heggenes, CEO of IKEA Foundation, the philanthropic arm of Stichting INGKA
Foundation, the owner of the Swedish home furnishings company IKEA.

Solar Radiation Modification Governance: Considering the interests of
Climate Vulnerable Countries


BY: C2G Carnegie Climate Governance Initiative

This session at the 2021Gobeshona Global Conference explored the policy
status of Solar Radiation Modification (SRM), in particular Stratospheric
Aerosol Injection (SAI); the potential options considering interests of
highly vulnerable countries in this specific domain; and how vulnerable
nations can strengthen voices and participation in shaping research and
designing the governance for any research on and potential use of SRM/SAI.
This session was co-organised by the Climate Vulnerable Forum (CVF) and the
Carnegie Climate Governance (C2G).

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