Dear Michael


I really am surprised that you claim to be unable to see the direct relevance 
of this topic to CDR policy.  


It is very clear that albedo enhancement is essential to prevent dangerous 
warming.  Many CDR proponents are in denial of this basic science.  This is a 
political problem delaying effective action on climate change.  


Conversation within CDR circles and more broadly can help improve understanding 
of the need to integrate direct climate cooling with the slower and indirect 
cooling methods provided by CDR and emission reduction.  Disparaging SRM should 
be discouraged and challenged when it occurs.  


It is understandable that these distorted beliefs against SRM have gained 
credence, given that much literature presents unbalanced and misinformed views 
criticising the moral case for geoengineering, ignoring cost benefit analysis 
and realistic scenarios.  


The scientific community has a responsibility to take an evidence based 
approach to these sensitive complex questions. 


Robert Tulip



<> On Behalf Of Michael Hayes
Sent: Thursday, 2 February 2023 4:38 AM
To: Robert Tulip <>
Cc: Andrew Lockley <>; <> 
<>; geoengineering 
Subject: Re: [CDR] Tiresome nomenclature squabbles



What is the value of this discussion to the subject of CDR? 


So far:


1) Someone reports getting their feelings hurt.


2) We've been presented with an odd ball list of largely unsupportable 
assumptions and rambling personal views about CDR supporters etc.


This is not the GE group nor an emotional support group. I don't mean to be 
insensitive to those in need of emotional support yet this is a STEM, policy, 
and economic space focused upon CDR. What has been presented has nothing to do 
with the STEM, policy, or the economics of CDR, that I can find.


Best regards 




On Wed, Feb 1, 2023, 5:25 AM 'Robert Tulip' via Carbon Dioxide Removal 
<> > wrote:



As you note, many advocates of CDR are totally opposed to SRM.  This is partly 
due to the widely held view among the general public that SRM is playing God, 
tinkering with nature, a dangerous intervention, whereas CDR is benign.  


As a result of this context, some CDR proponents tactically distance themselves 
from SRM and the associated terminology of geoengineering.  This is either 
because they really believe the anti-SRM ideology, or just in order to get 
investment and support and engagement.  


Some NGOs reportedly oppose SRM because their finance departments believe 
supporting it would be bad for their fundraising efforts, due to widespread 
opposition among their donor base.  They also believe that discussing SRM 
confuses their single message of the need to cut emissions.


This situation reflects the priority of politics over science in the formation 
of opinion.  It means the united front on climate action is seen as including 
CDR, in line with IPCC acceptance, but not SRM, which was given pariah status 
in the last IPCC Summary For Policymakers.  The confused moral hazard ideology 
is a main support for this political line.


This hostile attitude involves a refusal to see the earth as a single unified 
system, an inability to consider that earth system fragility and sensitivity 
can only be stabilised by brightening the planet.  


Greta Thunberg’s recent publication, The Climate Book, contains the assertion 
that “all geoengineering schemes are attempts to manipulate the Earth with the 
same domineering mindset that got us into the climate crisis in the first 
place.” This quasi-religious hostility to technology commands broad support 
among climate activists, producing a refusal to listen to reason, despite being 
a recipe for social and economic and ecological collapse.


The philosophical and psychological and political blockages to albedo 
enhancement as a primary climate objective lead to highly dubious arguments, 
such as that accelerated emission reduction and CDR could prevent tipping 
points without any action on albedo.


It is essential to defend the concept of geoengineering, since questioning it 
demonstrates an inability to understand the climate problem.


These concerns ought to be the subject of much more discussion and debate, as 
they are actually central to planetary security, with significant moral 
implications.  Thank you for highlighting the problem.


Robert Tulip  


<> > On Behalf Of Andrew Lockley
Sent: Tuesday, 31 January 2023 11:06 AM
<> > 
<> >; geoengineering 
< <> >
Subject: [CDR] Tiresome nomenclature squabbles


Hi Geo/CDR lists, 


I say very little personally - but I feel it's time to confront a problem, 
which has been building up for a while. 


I'm noticing increasingly ill-tempered nomenclature egg-throwing in this 
community. It's affecting my work - and it's probably harming other people's 
work, too. I'm therefore cross-posting, in an attempt to get the problem under 


Most particularly, the eggs are being thrown by a few select CDR folk, who 
refuse to cooperate with people/projects describing the field as geoengineering 
(or related terms). Sorry if that's blunt, but them's the facts. I'm declining 
to name names - but I have the receipts, if anyone needs them.


Before addressing the core argument being (incorrectly) made, here's some 
background on my scicomm work. This context is relevant, as the scicomm reaches 
broadly across this field (2k twitter followers, 10k podcast downloads, ~3k 
email readers).

I've always worked on SRM and CDR, in both academic publications and scicomm.


As a matter of historical fact, the CDR list (which I don't moderate) was spun 
out from the geoengineering Google group (which I do moderate), and as a matter 
of convenience the residual list focussed on SRM. This was done to manage comms 
in a practical way, not as some ideological schism. Plenty of people cross both 
lists, and I've seen no reason to rebrand.


The other information services I operate (@geoengineering1 twitter, Reviewer 2 
Does Geoengineering podcast) use the same generic geoengineering branding, and 
have done for a decade or more. This is partly as a matter of historic 
consistency, and partly because the word is being used correctly - as I'll 
explain below. I don't therefore feel that this wording choice is any 
justification for people to attack me or my work.


How bad has it got? Well, I'm reliably informed that I've had my CV binned for 
at least 1 job because I use the word "geoengineering" to describe the field. 
I've recently had several people (without exception CDR types) refuse to 
cooperate with my scicomm work - because I use the word "geoengineering" as a 
convenient, dictionary-accurate, and historically-relevant way to describe my 
work. That's denying their work an audience, based on a squabble over historic 
branding. Coca-Cola doesn't even have cocaine in anymore, but people don't 
argue with bar staff about it. So why argue with me, when my work is much more 
accurately described?


People are free to use whatever words they like to describe what they do; my 
beef isn't with the string of related terms for the same things (geoengineering 
vs climate intervention; solar radiation modification vs solar radiation 
management; carbon removal vs CDR vs GGR; etc.). The problem I have is with the 
petty personal sniping and factionalism that's increasingly creeping in to the 
discipline, as a result.


For the avoidance of doubt: I'm not rebranding everything I do just because a 
few CDR fans won't play nicely with their SRM counterparts. And I'm not going 
to jump into a silo, just because other people think I should. 


Notwithstanding the objectionable pettiness of this behaviour, I don't believe 
the core argument bears any real scrutiny. So let's get to that. 


With a quick Google I have found both present and historical references to the 
term "geoengineering" (relatedly climate engineering/intervention) being used 
to encompass CDR. 


Here's the OED;jsessionid=8F01D3B289E2BB2911C69F51B5050E01#:~:text=Geoengineering%20is%20the%20intentional%20large,of%20reducing%20undesired%20climatic%20...






Royal Society


Futurelearn / Adam Smith


...I could go on. 


The issue here isn't the use of one word or another, it's the daftness of 
people shunning opportunities/people because of the utilisation of a standard 
(if not ubiquitous) term to describe the discipline. 


So please, let's not have wars over words reminiscent of the kids' book 
"Fatipuffs and Thinnifers" even the kids reading that book knew it was stupid. We have all got much 
more to lose than to gain from such silly squabbles. Just because we might not 
like words that have been used for 15y or more doesn't mean it's a valid excuse 
to shun people and opportunities.


Thanks for listening. And best wishes to all my geoengineering friends - 
including both the SRM and CDR ones. 




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