Dear Colleagues,

If you're so inclined, please comment (2000 characters or less) on AGU
Geoengineering Ethical Framework by tomorrow 8/15/2023

See "Comment on the Draft Principles" to the right side of this link:

The principles are IMO overly defensive.  I submitted this comment (this
version slightly fixed up!):

"These principles are a welcome development that I fully support.  However,
I believe that they have an overly defensive frame: A) The term “climate
intervention” suggests an emergency application of measures on a system
that hitherto has somehow not been “intervened into”.  The truth of course
is that anything that affects the climate including GHG emissions, reducing
GHG emissions, and drawing down accumulated GHG, could all be termed
“climate interventions”.  I understand the usefulness of not using the more
common term “geoengineering” as this connotes even more all-encompassing
and hubristic human manipulation of nature, and tends to point to an
exclusive focus on SAI and other high-leverage SRM direct climate cooling
methods.  My own preference (and that of the Healthy Planet Action
Coalition of which I am a member) is for the more positive, well-defined,
but also general and inclusive term “direct climate cooling”. B) Rather
than seeking to explain and justify direct climate cooling, it appears to
me that it is long past time to put the ethical and moral question the
other way.  *The truth is that: 1) climate change is accelerating and will
continue to cause increasingly catastrophic harm to humans and other living
species, 2) there exist multiple direct climate cooling methods **that have
the potential to reduce this harm * *(*
*)**, and 3) current global policy that relies exclusively on greenhouse
gas emissions reductions and removal to address climate change is
incompatible with responsible stewardship of the planet. *C)* Is there any
feasible way forward other than a three-pronged strategy that includes
direct climate cooling along with emissions reduction and drawdown *(

Thanks to the PRAG thread on this (with other examples of comments) for
bringing this to my attention!



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