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Ally Peccia, Yves Moussallam, Terry Plank, Kevin DallaSanta, Lorenzo
Polvani, Alain Burgisser, Jessica Larsen, Janet Schaefer

*First published: 28 October 2023*


The 43 BCE eruption of Okmok Volcano has been proposed to have had a
significant climate cooling impact in the Northern Hemisphere. In this
study, we quantify the climate cooling potential of the Okmok II eruption
by measuring sulfur concentration in melt inclusions (up to 1,606 ppm) and
matrix glasses and estimate a total of 62 ± 16 Tg S released. The
proportion reaching the stratosphere (2.5%–25%, i.e., 1.5–15.5 Tg S) was
constrained by physical modeling of the caldera-collapse eruption. Using
the NASA Goddard Institute for Space Studies E2.2 climate model we found a
linear response between cooling and stratospheric sulfur load
(0.05–0.08°C/Tg S). Thus, the 1–2°C of cooling derived from proxy records
would require 16–32 Tg sulfur injection. This study underscores the
importance of combining approaches to estimate stratospheric S load. For
Okmok II, we find all methods are consistent with a range of 15–16 Tg S.

*Key Points*
Petrologic evidence suggests a total of 62 Tg S was released in the
caldera-forming eruption of Okmok Volcano in 43 BCE

Climate models respond linearly to stratospheric sulfur loads. 1–2°C
cooling from proxy records suggests 16–32 Tg S injection

A physical model constrains the proportion of stratospheric sulfur to
2.5%–25%; thus we find a common range for all methods of 15–16 Tg S

*Plain Language Summary*
Gaseous sulfur released in explosive volcanic eruptions can reflect
incoming solar radiation in the stratosphere and cool the Earth's surface.
Here, we calculate the total amount of sulfur released in the 43 BCE
caldera-forming eruption of Okmok Volcano, Alaska by measuring the
concentration of sulfur dissolved in magma prior to the eruption. We find
that the total sulfur load from the Okmok II eruption is one of the largest
in the last 2,500 years, and we use climate models to simulate cooling and
precipitation anomalies associated with total or partial injection of
volcanic sulfur into the stratosphere. However, the estimated sulfur load
is larger than that predicted by sulfur signals preserved in ice cores, and
physical modeling of the eruption suggests that only a proportion of the
sulfur released reached stratospheric altitudes. Further, comparison of
temperature reconstructions from tree ring and cave deposit proxies with
climate model results show the cooling associated with the eruption
requires only a fraction of the total sulfur load. Thus, we propose that
only a quarter of the total sulfur released in the eruption made it to the
stratosphere, responsible for 1–2°C of cooling in the year following the

*Source: AGU*

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