On Thu, Feb 8, 2024 at 8:58 AM John Nissen <johnnissen2...@gmail.com> wrote:

> Hi Ron,
> You've hit the nail on the head:
> By starting SAI in the spring in the poles, as the aerosol falls out (in
> the poles) at the end of the polar summers, all, or most of, the direct
> impact will be on the poles, and hopefully if there is enough indirect
> impact on reducing polar amplification to affect the jet stream and  polar
> ice melt - these global climate effects would be overwhelmingly positive.
> Cheers, John
> On Wed, Feb 7, 2024 at 2:27 AM Ron Baiman <rpbai...@gmail.com> wrote:
>> Dear Herb, Mike, and Oswald,
>> I think the issue right now is pervasively couched in far too general and
>> absolutist terms that would make it very difficult/impossible to get
>> universal (or even just Security Council) agreement for deployment from the
>> UN. If pilot testing were started small-scale with willing actors
>> consisting of countries with polar regional jurisdictions that are willing
>> to try this in this from their territory (as probably not all polar
>> jurisdictions or polar peoples will agree right away) and done carefully
>> with maximum transparency, openness, etc. this could hopefully make it less
>> of an abstract 'politicized and moralized' hot potato and more of a cooling
>> method that is perceived as potentially valuable, useful, and (quite
>> likely) indispensable to avoid climate catastrophe.
>> I'm assuming here of course mostly measurable positive impacts from the
>> pilot testing, and an ability to adjust to smaller and less significant
>> undesirable impacts.  My thinking is that this would be a way to make
>> gradual polar SAI a more practical and tangible technique and less of a
>> boogie man on which to project every manner of global geopolitical
>> armageddon (per the Futerman talk and I'm guessing - from the abstract - in
>> the Keith and Smith  paper as well).  At this point, my hope is that it
>> would be easier to arrive at, at least, "tacit" and at some point "formal"
>> consent by the Security Council, or a sufficient number of major world
>> powers, for continued, slowly upscaled, global deployment without
>> geopolitical disaster.
>> *My thinking is that (as with the research/deployment dichotomy), the
>> governance/deployment dichotomy should not be looked at as strictly
>> separable. *My hope is that moving on both tracks simultaneously and
>> trying to build confidence, trust, and knowledge with gradual deployment
>> would hopefully change international perceptions and discussions of SAI and
>> direct climate cooling more broadly in a positive way, and that this could
>> then hopefully allow for global tacit, and at some point formal, political
>> support.
>> I should also note that countries are already currently engaging in large
>> scale climate efforts 'on their own territory' that probably have cross
>> boundary impacts. See for example discussion of China's large scale cloud
>> seeding efforts (as I recall in the Himalayas to regenerate snow pack,
>> discussed in this podcast:
>> https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/cloud-seeding-law-simon/id1529459393?i=1000632950341
>> Also by starting SAI in the spring in the poles, as the aerosol falls out
>> (in the poles) at the end of the polar summers, all, or most of, the direct
>> impact will be on the poles, and hopefully if there is enough indirect
>> impact on reducing polar amplification to affect the jet stream and  polar
>> ice melt - these global climate effects would be overwhelmingly positive. .
>> Best,
>> Ron
>> On Tue, Feb 6, 2024 at 4:17 PM Oswald Petersen <
>> oswald.peter...@hispeed.ch> wrote:
>>> Dear Herb and Mike
>>> Prenotice
>>> Europeans like me are still quite unfimiliar with the new habit to
>>> adress a community without an adressee. Adressees do have the advantage
>>> that I can disregard everything I am not addressed for. So far for US
>>> globalimsus.
>>> Dear all,
>>> The UN are our only hope. We cannot diverge from the UN. Let´s stick to
>>> the UN!
>>> Regards
>>> Oswald
>>> Oswald Petersen
>>> Atmospheric Methane Removal AG
>>> Lärchenstr. 5
>>> CH-8280 Kreuzlingen
>>> Tel: +41-71-6887514
>>> Mob: +49-177-2734245
>>> https://amr.earth
>>> https://cool-planet.earth
>>> *Von:* healthy-planet-action-coalit...@googlegroups.com <
>>> healthy-planet-action-coalit...@googlegroups.com> *Im Auftrag von *Michael
>>> MacCracken
>>> *Gesendet:* Dienstag, 6. Februar 2024 23:03
>>> *An:* H simmens <hsimm...@gmail.com>; Ron Baiman <rpbai...@gmail.com>
>>> *Cc:* robertgch...@gmail.com; Gregory Slater <tenk...@gmail.com>;
>>> healthy-planet-action-coalition <
>>> healthy-planet-action-coalit...@googlegroups.com>; Planetary
>>> Restoration <planetary-restorat...@googlegroups.com>; geoengineering <
>>> geoengineering@googlegroups.com>; Healthy Climate Alliance <
>>> healthy-climate-allia...@googlegroups.com>
>>> *Betreff:* Re: [prag] Re: [HPAC] Solar geoengineering could start soon
>>> if it starts small | MIT Technology Review
>>> It is really not clear to me why the United Nations could (and should)
>>> not be the structure--or at least the designator of the structure, but
>>> better yet, of the overall goal, namely to offset future warming and
>>> gradually return the climate to something similar to its mid-20th century
>>> situation (with allowances for those nations facing special needs to ask
>>> for consideration of possible fine scale adjustments as knowledge
>>> improves--or something similar).
>>> There is a UN Commission on Sustainable Development (UNCSD), and if
>>> there were ever anything that is impinging on their mandate, it is climate
>>> change. The UN Secretary General, with concurrence I imagine of General
>>> Assembly, could refer matter to them asking for a report on the matter and
>>> to propose a recommendation to the General Assembly and Security Council.
>>> I'd note that I was on a panel that prepared a report for the UN Commission
>>> on Sustainable Development (see
>>> https://www.sigmaxi.org/programs/critical-issues-in-science/un-sigma-xi-climate-change-report),
>>> and I and other lead authors, courtesy of contacts made by former Senator
>>> and UN Foundation lead Tim Wirth (the UN Foundation having provided some of
>>> the funding for the effort), met with the UN Secretary General upon the
>>> report's issuance.
>>> I'm not clear on how the Conference of the Parties of the UNFCCC might
>>> mesh (or not) with the UNCSD, but this too could be outlined. The UNCSD I
>>> think meets annually and so could well move things along,
>>> Mike MacCracken
>>> On 2/6/24 2:41 PM, H simmens wrote:
>>> Ron,
>>> It’s quite telling I think that a breakthrough article like this has
>>> been released without essentially anyone noticing.
>>> The only mention of it I see is from the excellent Technology Review
>>> reporter James Temple who posted it on X.
>>> The only comments the post received were from Andrew Lockley and someone
>>> posting a vile obscenity.
>>> I was the only one who even retweeted the post to my loyal following of
>>> bots, trolls, fake porn stars and a few Climate informed folks.
>>> Is it fair to observe that most everyone laments the understandable and
>>> very real challenges of developing a governance architecture but no one in
>>> any kind of authority has yet to propose a serious effort to get such a
>>> governance structure discussed and agreed to by the world community?
>>> If and until that happens the strategy you’re proposing while sound will
>>> be very difficult to advance very far.
>>> Herb
>>> Herb Simmens
>>> Author of *A Climate Vocabulary of the Future*
>>> “A SciencePoem and an Inspiration.” Kim Stanley Robinson
>>> @herbsimmens
>>> HerbSimmens.com
>>> On Feb 6, 2024, at 2:20 PM, Ron Baiman <rpbai...@gmail.com>
>>> <rpbai...@gmail.com> wrote:
>>> Good catch Herb!  Thanks for sharing. I haven't read the article yet,
>>> but though acknowledging the feasibility and possible relevance gradual
>>> polar SAI scenario would definitely be progress (that David Keith was very
>>> critical of this in his HPAC talk), from skimming the abstract the article
>>> appears to focus on SAI geopolitical concerns that echo Gideon Futerman's
>>> recent HPAC talk.
>>>  On this, needless to say, I agree with Robert C and Mike. Waiting for a
>>> fully operational global governance regime  (like hoping for a super
>>> expidited  emissions and drawdown only policy) is not realistic in the near
>>> future - the only future that counts if humanity is going to have a
>>> non-catastrophic immediate future, at all.
>>> I think the alternative of starting slow by getting the consent of polar
>>> jurisdictions and peoples for  a 'Save the polar ecosystems' effort
>>> (following current MCB 'save the Great Barrier Reef' efforts) and inviting
>>> all nations who wish to contribute to contribute in a 'coalition of the
>>> willing' model (as with the 'International Space Station') that would be
>>> gradual (initially local SAI focused on polar summers), public, and
>>> transparent, and hopefully successful in gradually reducing warming and
>>> cooling the poles and helping to stabilize the global climate is an example
>>> of a more realistic approach for urgent deployment. Waiting for 'global
>>> governance' or 'absolute confidence from research that does not include
>>> deployment pilot testing' before beginning deployment is not an urgently
>>> workable option.  At the risk of beating a dead horse I'm again attaching a
>>> draft of this proposal that many of you may have seen:
>>> https://drive.google.com/file/d/1o5xQogx1kKgD-QlM4MVPdWeL2BzBtwUm/view?usp=sharing
>>> Best,
>>> Ron
>>> On Mon, Feb 5, 2024 at 12:38 PM <robertgch...@gmail.com> wrote:
>>> Hi Herb and Greg and all
>>> Working on something else, the other day I chanced upon the dedication
>>> for my PhD thesis written in 2012/13.  It was addressed to my then two
>>> year-old and newborn grandchildren expressing the hope that as adults they
>>> would come to be awestruck by humanity's achievements, yet forgive it its
>>> failings, and all the while see the funny side of both.  This piece by
>>> Keith and Smith definitely requires one to see the funny side.
>>> First, they're playing a great game of dissimulation, straining to
>>> present their 'we're the good guys' credentials by espousing caution and
>>> concern, while also chomping at the bit to get some serious sulphates into
>>> the sky.  Their greatest fear is clearly being dubbed the Dr. Strangelove
>>> of climate change.
>>> But what's even funnier is the bizarre cognitive dissonance displayed by
>>> those opposed to SAI.  On the one hand the global shipping industry can
>>> with no serious public debate whatsoever force changes to bunker fuel that
>>> will greatly accelerate global warming, with who knows what consequences
>>> for both human and other life, on the grounds that the pollution it will
>>> reduce will save the lives of a much smaller number of people.  No need to
>>> consider the negative climate consequences of reducing the sulphur content
>>> of the fuel because, quite obviously, no one really cares about that.  If
>>> they did, there would at least have been some public conversation about the
>>> relative merits of changing the fuel.  They didn't, so there wasn't.  30
>>> years of IPCC really has changed things, hasn't it!
>>> Other amusing bits from this article are the implications that it'll
>>> take decades to scale SAI to make a significant difference to global
>>> warming and that this requires long-term anticipatory action by governments
>>> both in relation to the technology and its governance.  That completely
>>> knocks on the head the idea that some maverick Greenfinger or national
>>> leader is going to go off and do their own thing.  The rogue geoengineer is
>>> shown to be the joke it always has been.
>>> Similarly, Keith and Smith's highlighting of the social licence issues
>>> that have hitherto delayed, and are likely going forward to continue
>>> delaying, if not totally frustrating any move to deploy SAI, or even do the
>>> research and small scale deployment that they're proposing, completely
>>> kills off the equally nonsensical moral hazard argument that the mere
>>> prospect of SAI is sufficient reason for the climate baddies to continue
>>> being baddies.  The climate baddies can relax, their foes are going to make
>>> sure we need all the oil and gas they can produce for as long as they can
>>> so dutifully provide it.
>>> For those of us on this list, it is hard to fathom how humanity has
>>> boxed itself into this paralysis.  For some us, it has become clear that
>>> the basic rules of neoclassical economics are unfolding according to plan.
>>> Boom and bust.  Boom and bust.  As the excesses destabilise the system, the
>>> system reacts.  This is euphemistically called a correction.  The greater
>>> the excess.  The more severe the correction.  The corrections are a form of
>>> catharsis.  But at some point the excess becomes sufficient to provoke a
>>> correction that collapses the system.  That happens when the system's
>>> resilience is sufficiently compromised that it can't adapt fast enough to
>>> the changed circumstances it is then facing.
>>> 1.5C, 2C, 2.5C, 3C and beyond, here we come!
>>> There's little I can do to protect my grandchildren from what will
>>> confront them decades hence.  Maybe they'll be among the lucky ones.  Some
>>> people will make it through, why shouldn't it be them?  However it unfolds,
>>> I'm sure they'll find it easier if they can retain the ability to see the
>>> funny side.
>>> Thanks David and Wake.  I needed reminding how tragic this comedy is.
>>> Or is it, how comic this tragedy is?
>>> Regards
>>> Robert
>>> On 05/02/2024 17:17, Gregory Slater wrote:
>>> Hello Herb,
>>> Thank you for this link.
>>> (
>>> https://www.technologyreview.com/2024/02/05/1087587/solar-geoengineering-could-start-soon-if-it-starts-small/
>>> )
>>> I think this is more evidence of the (glacially) slow progression of the
>>> scientific and engineering community (such as Keith and Smith) beyond their
>>> (completely disingenuous) *"SAI is the most insane idea in the history
>>> of the Multiverse, but we should fund numerical simulations (etc.) of it
>>> for the next fifty years just in case things get 'really bad' (for me
>>> personally)"* and toward (the inevitable) acceptance and eventual
>>> advocacy for deployment of SAI, without wating for a unanimous vote in
>>> favor of it by the entire population of the earth (all 8 billion) before
>>> the deployment of even a single molecule of any aerosol for the stated
>>> intent of cooling the earth is allowed to be released, which is the current
>>> (psychotic) demand of SJWs.
>>> However, it is still riddled with disclaimers (for example, last
>>> paragraph) and they coyly seem to be pitching the *'small scale SAI'*
>>> scenario not as a scientific test of the physical effects of SAI's on the
>>> atmosphere and climate, but rather as a 'political or sociological science'
>>> test of the political reaction of the world to such a test (that is, dump a
>>> little SO2 in the stratosphere and measure the blood pressure of the
>>> anti-SAI crowd).
>>> It is actually difficult for me to tell, at first reading, whether they
>>> are "fer or agin;" such a test.  And I think that ambiguity was carefully
>>> crafted.
>>> Of course, it's not like Keith and Smith (and other *'ultra-cautious
>>> geoengineers'* just 'discovered' the possibility of 'small-scale SAI'.
>>> It's straightforward and obvious, and they certainly know that this has
>>> been outlined and advocated for a long time, including by members of this
>>> group.  I mean, when Keith spoke on the HPAC zoom just last year, in answer
>>> to my question about low level tests, he directly said that he saw no
>>> usefulness in small scale tests.
>>> I think they are starting to put the tip of their toes in the side of
>>> advocacy, while describing it as 'cautionary'.  I think the proper response
>>> is, "thanks for stating the obvious about the possibilities for 'low-scale
>>> SAI' tests".  But point out their timidity and disingenuousness in not
>>> advocating for the scenario they describe is uncompelling.  They describe
>>> one variant of) a first obvious small scale SAI test, but at the end say
>>> they still say they are against it until we get a unanimous vote in favor
>>> by the entire population of the planet.
>>> They still seem to be trying to maintain their increasingly precarious
>>> and wobbly perch on the fence between denouncement and advocacy of SAI,
>>> while requesting lots more money for numerical simulations of SAI and
>>> studies of the 'sociological' effects of its deployment.
>>> Those who support immediate measures to stabilize global mean
>>> temperature should double down and press for actual tests and not be
>>> satisfied with 'cautionary notes' like this about the potential dangers of
>>> not starting tests.
>>> When will they find the testicles to actually advocate?
>>> Greg Slater
>>> On Feb 5, 2024, at 5:29 AM, H simmens <hsimm...@gmail.com> wrote:
>>> This article published this morning by David Keith and Wake Smith argues
>>> that it is entirely feasible that SAI could begin to be deployed at small
>>> scale within five years by launching aerosols at higher latitudes where the
>>> lower stratospheric boundary is easily accessible by current aircraft.
>>> It appears that their proposal is consistent with what Mike Maccracken
>>> has long been advocating - start small and learn by doing testing.
>>> They also argue that such testing should be subject to a formal
>>> moratorium - absent the development of a viable governance structure -
>>> consistent with the recommendations of the Climate Overshoot Commission.
>>> The risks of igniting a geopolitical free for all, particularly if
>>> testing were only done by one country and not by a coalition, are
>>> substantial they argue.
>>> Is this proposal something that those on these lists should get behind?
>>> Herb
>>> https://www.technologyreview.com/2024/02/05/1087587/solar-geoengineering-could-start-soon-if-it-starts-small/
>>> Herb Simmens
>>> Author of *A Climate Vocabulary of the Future*
>>> “A SciencePoem and an Inspiration.” Kim Stanley Robinson
>>> @herbsimmens
>>> HerbSimmens.com
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