

It’s fine in theory to say “All we have to do is remove the GHG which cause 
Global Warming” but few people believe it can be scaled up fast enough to avoid 
tipping points, worsening climatic effects etc. How do you think it can be done 
fast enough?


Best wishes




From: 'Oswald Petersen' via Healthy Planet Action Coalition (HPAC) 
Sent: Thursday, March 21, 2024 2:10 PM
To: 'Robin Collins' <robin.w.coll...@gmail.com>; 'Sev Clarke' 
Cc: 'Alan Kerstein' <alan.kerst...@gmail.com>; 'Clive Elsworth' 
<cl...@endorphinsoftware.co.uk>; 'Herb Simmens' <hsimm...@gmail.com>; 'Mike 
MacCracken' <mmacc...@comcast.net>; 'Planetary Restoration' 
<planetary-restorat...@googlegroups.com>; 'geoengineering' 
<geoengineering@googlegroups.com>; 'healthy-planet-action-coalition' 
Subject: AW: [prag] [HPAC] Harvard has halted its long-planned atmospheric 
geoengineering experiment | MIT Technology Review


Hi Robin,


we do not need SRM. All we have to do is remove the GHG which cause Global 
Warming. It is safe, natural and much more efficient than SRM (any variety),




Oswald Petersen

Atmospheric Methane Removal AG

Lärchenstr. 5

CH-8280 Kreuzlingen

Tel: +41-71-6887514

Mob: +49-177-2734245

 <https://amr.earth/> https://amr.earth

 <https://cool-planet.earth/> https://cool-planet.earth



Von: healthy-planet-action-coalit...@googlegroups.com 
<mailto:healthy-planet-action-coalit...@googlegroups.com> > Im Auftrag von 
Robin Collins
Gesendet: Donnerstag, 21. März 2024 14:01
An: Sev Clarke <sevcla...@icloud.com <mailto:sevcla...@icloud.com> >
Cc: Alan Kerstein <alan.kerst...@gmail.com <mailto:alan.kerst...@gmail.com> >; 
Clive Elsworth <cl...@endorphinsoftware.co.uk 
<mailto:cl...@endorphinsoftware.co.uk> >; Herb Simmens <hsimm...@gmail.com 
<mailto:hsimm...@gmail.com> >; Mike MacCracken <mmacc...@comcast.net 
<mailto:mmacc...@comcast.net> >; Planetary Restoration 
<mailto:planetary-restorat...@googlegroups.com> >; geoengineering 
<geoengineering@googlegroups.com <mailto:geoengineering@googlegroups.com> >; 
<mailto:healthy-planet-action-coalit...@googlegroups.com> >
Betreff: Re: [prag] [HPAC] Harvard has halted its long-planned atmospheric 
geoengineering experiment | MIT Technology Review


I think Herb’s question directed at a core of environmentalists is key:

Is there a point when the climate worsens so much more* that you would support 
the deployment of cooling if shown to be reasonably safe and effective? 


*Note: this can mean too late. 

I have raised the same question and I think the answer is that unambiguous 
critics of SRM methods (“anti-human interventionists”) see the question as a 
trap, and therefore it “shouldn’t” be answered. 


The only rational response to the question is, of course: a resounding Yes. But 
if you acknowledge that possibility, then you must deny the arguments against 
testing SRM. And you also have to believe (or pretend) that 
decarbonization-only IS sufficient, on track, and that the evidence is 
available to show this. If the evidence points in the opposite direction, then 
— to stick with your ideology — you must deny, refute or hide it. This is why 
the problem is now ideological and very dangerous if it spreads into 
governance. (UNEA!)


I agree with Sev that the publication of the paper (and more of them) will be 
very important (although I disagree with a MCB-only approach.) I wonder if the 
publication will be blocked?


We need bullet-proof publications to point to, to build the case in public and 
government circles. We need a breakthrough or two. 




On Mon, Mar 18, 2024 at 6:45 PM Sev Clarke <sevcla...@icloud.com 
<mailto:sevcla...@icloud.com> > wrote:



Grandiose solutions and strategies are appropriate only for those who can 
command grandiose resources. We do not. Having our DCC paper published in the 
Oxford Open Climate Change journal would be a good start; and persuading 
research organisations (following more the community consultative lead of the 
Great Barrier Reef MCB experiment, rather than that of SCoPEx/SAI) to model, 
experiment with, and publish the results from, our many proposed climate 
solutions would give the article both intellectual and possibly public & 
political support/funding. Many such experiments and modelling do not require 
international governance and approval if done in the confines of the EEZ waters 
of one or more nation states. Successful experiments, followed by gated trials, 
seem to me to provide our best chance of gaining widespread support for 
further, cautious deployment. Learning by doing should allow us to minimise any 
adverse effects whilst maximising the net benefit.




On 19 Mar 2024, at 5:20 am, H simmens <hsimm...@gmail.com 
<mailto:hsimm...@gmail.com> > wrote:


Alan, Robin and Clive,


We all have our theories that attempt to explain and understand the almost 
visceral opposition to any effort to directly cool the climate. 


The three arguments you cite Robin certainly account for some signiicant 
proportion of the opposition. And as you point out Alan the lack of information 
about the urgency of the situation and that there are remedies that could turn 
things around is I believe beyond dispute. 


I have attempted to engage with many leading Climate scientists and activists 
on Twitter about cooling.  I’m amazed at how superficial their responses have 
been to my comments and questions when they bother responding at all. (And 
several have blocked me entirely as I guess my questions were too 


One question I have never been able to get ANY knowledgeable Climate scientist 
or activist opposed to cooling to answer is a very simple one: 


Is there a point when the climate worsens so much more that you would support 
the deployment of cooling if shown to be reasonably safe and effective? 


Your guess is as good as mine as to why they refuse to answer but it would sure 
be important to find out! 


What is needed to answer these and other questions at the risk again of being 
annoyingly repetitive is a carefully researched and developed plan of action 
that starts out with the development of a strategic power map that identifies 
who the individuals, groups and other entities are that make decisions to 
advance or stymie the acceptance of cooling. 


Perhaps those of us on these lists and our allies will be fortuitous enough to 
convince or persuade a person who is trusted by other key people who could then 
positively change the dynamic. 


But would any of us be willing to bet the future of humanity and the natural 
world on the ability of some of us - who are essentially almost totally 
unorganized - to achieve that? 


If we were a multinational corporation who developed not just a new product but 
a new product category (cooling) and we wanted to market it to a world that 
didn’t even know that there was such a product category or even the need for 
one we would do what virtually every entity with the means to do so would do: 


We would invest considerable resources in market research, in focus groups, in 
power mapping and In understanding the competition’s strengths and weaknesses 
in the greatest of detail. To do all this we would hire the brightest most 
experienced and most relevantly influential people on the planet including 
those who specialize in particular countries or institutional sectors. 


Only then would we determine what our strategy would be to introduce the 
product - Do we start in one country, do we start with one demographic  do we 
promote the product by denigrating the competition and or by pointing out the 
superiority of our product or do we simply decide to invest a considerable 
amount of our resources in a kind of brute force campaign to persuade every 
potential buyer. 


This process - done with the ultimate professionalism - is exactly what is 
necessary in my view to “sell” cooling as the first order of business for a 
brand new NGO committed to cooling the planet in the context of a restored 


I probably have written too long an answer. 


But my point is that none of us have anywhere near the information needed to 
determine the most effective way to change the prevailing ERA paradigm of 
emission reductions alone- which generates tens of millions of promotional 
messages every single day throughout the planet versus essentially none for 
cooling the planet - to a paradigm that humanity can restore a safer climate 
and a healthier Ecosystem through the urgent deployment of direct cooling along 
with continued emission reductions, large scale carbon removal and a reduction 
in unnecessary consumption.  


My comments should not be interpreted to mean that we shouldn’t be reaching out 
to people like Sabine as you suggest Clive and others who have potentially 
large influence as many of us have been doing for the past couple of years. 


But if we don’t do it in a way where we know exactly what we want Sabine and 
others to do and how we can assist them then it may be of limited value. 


What I would suggest be done first would be to prepare the most powerful and 
compelling presentation imaginable to present to people and institutions with 
the means or with access to others with the means to establish and generously 
endow such an NGO. 


And then systematically identify all those contacts that we individually and 
collectively have with people who may be able to provide access to those with 
the means and influence to create such an NGO. 


Any significant actions that are not intended to directly or indirectly lead to 
that result seem like little more than rearranging the deck chairs on the 
Titanic as it goes closer and closer to colliding with the largely unseen (and 
now dramatically shrinking) iceberg that will make all of our efforts moot. 




Herb Simmens
Author of A Climate Vocabulary of the Future

“A SciencePoem and an Inspiration.” Kim Stanley Robinson
HerbSimmens.com <http://herbsimmens.com/> 



On Mar 18, 2024, at 1:07 PM, Clive Elsworth <cl...@endorphinsoftware.co.uk 
<mailto:cl...@endorphinsoftware.co.uk> > wrote:

I agree with both of you (Alan and Robbin)


Perhaps a trusted messenger might be Sabine Hossenfelder?


In this video Sabine says climate scientists are probably guilty of 
confirmation bias on equilibrium climate sensitivity: 


In this one she says climate engineering is a bad idea, but it’s probably going 
to happen anyway because it’s the cheapest solution: 
https://youtu.be/MZiEcx0F_CM  However she only mentions SAI, and a method of 
removing water vapour from the stratosphere, which would make almost no 


She appears unaware of MCB, and the many other proposals listed on the NOAC 


Does anyone have access to Sabine?




From: healthy-planet-action-coalit...@googlegroups.com 
<mailto:healthy-planet-action-coalit...@googlegroups.com> > On Behalf Of Robin 
Sent: Monday, March 18, 2024 3:40 PM
To: Alan Kerstein <alan.kerst...@gmail.com <mailto:alan.kerst...@gmail.com> >
Cc: H simmens <hsimm...@gmail.com <mailto:hsimm...@gmail.com> >; Michael 
MacCracken <mmacc...@comcast.net <mailto:mmacc...@comcast.net> >; Planetary 
Restoration <planetary-restorat...@googlegroups.com 
<mailto:planetary-restorat...@googlegroups.com> >; geoengineering 
<geoengineering@googlegroups.com <mailto:geoengineering@googlegroups.com> >; 
<mailto:healthy-planet-action-coalit...@googlegroups.com> >
Subject: Re: [HPAC] Harvard has halted its long-planned atmospheric 
geoengineering experiment | MIT Technology Review


If we are still asking the question we need to talk to them directly, frankly, 
to understand. So far everything I’ve read suggests 1. they don’t think human 
geo-measures will work (even if they are unwilling to test to see) and/or 
because the human track record is abysmal; 2. they think these measures will 
divert from decarbonization; 3. They think decarbonization is sufficient. 


All these lead to the same point: #3. 

That’s the one to focus on. 






On Mon, Mar 18, 2024 at 11:26 AM Alan Kerstein <alan.kerst...@gmail.com 
<mailto:alan.kerst...@gmail.com> > wrote:

Dear Herb,


Is it plausible that the opponents of DCC are cognizant of the present danger 
and the urgency of action? Personally I don’t think so. Would opposition soften 
if they better understood the situation. I think it’s at least possible, 
perhaps likely.


Before a doctor advises a patient to go through chemotherapy that will almost 
kill them, the doctor confronts the patient with the prognosis. (Of course, DCC 
will not do anything like ‘almost kill’ the planet, but that seems to be the 
mentality out there.) Sorry for repeating myself, but the circumstances call 
for hammering away at the prognosis until opposition to DCC softens, setting 
aside advocacy of DCC until then. This must be done by trusted messengers, who 
are few and far between these days. The needed steps go from scientific 
luminaries like James Hansen to trusted messengers to the general public and 
other stakeholders.


That said, I agree about the need for the NGO that you suggest, but it needs to 
be cagey regarding its public pronouncements.





On Mon, Mar 18, 2024 at 7:29 AM Michael MacCracken <mmacc...@comcast.net 
<mailto:mmacc...@comcast.net> > wrote:

Hi Herb--And yet Elon Musk et al. shoot big rockets through the stratosphere 
with an increasing pace, not to mention the sort of ballistic missiles that 
North Korea and Houtis are firing, etc. This fear of the slippery slope hangs 
on and on while the lowering cost of renewable energy continues to reverse the 
original argument.


On 3/18/24 9:56 AM, H simmens wrote:

Harvard announced this morning the termination of the SCoPEx atmosphere 
geoengineering experiment that was first proposed a decade ago. 


It was originally planned for Arizona around 2018 and was then moved to Sweden 
in 2021  


As many of you know due to local opposition in Sweden by the Sami people that 
experiment was canceled several years ago. 


The project itself has now been officially canceled. 


The explanation given was quite generic as the article details. 


There a link to a lengthy final report by the Harvard SCoPEx advisory 


Whether this decade long utter fiasco is a clear signal that even micro-scale 
DCC direct climate cooling atmospheric research remains a non-starter or 
whether future endeavors - if there are any - will be more successful remains 
to be seen. 


The cancellation of SCoPEx along with the announcement of the release of 
reflective particles into the atmosphere by Make Sunsets leading immediately to 
the prohibition of such releases in Mexico and Mexican advocacy against such 
experimentation at the UNEA in Nairobi earlier this month demonstrates the risk 
of attracting immense backlash even to the most microscopic of baby steps. 


Which leads me to once again share my perspective that unless and until an 
extremely well funded international NGO with a clear mission and a superb staff 
focused on the deployment of DCC in the context of climate restoration is 
established the prospects for effective cooling in time to make a difference 
will remain negligible. 


That’s what the advocacy efforts of any group supportive of the essential need 
for DCC must focus on IMHO. 






Herb Simmens
Author of A Climate Vocabulary of the Future

“A SciencePoem and an Inspiration.” Kim Stanley Robinson
HerbSimmens.com <http://herbsimmens.com/> 


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