Hi Mark,

Thanks for making this work - I had no luck before. I've also noticed that some functions that were not previously defined in MingW are now defined in the latest versions (off the top of my head infinity I think was one, but would have to check). Did you run into any problems like that?


Mark Cave-Ayland wrote:
On Wed, 2007-01-03 at 18:28 +0200, Ari Jolma wrote:
Mark Cave-Ayland kirjoitti:
I've just discovered that the issue with ld.exe crashing was a problem
with my MingW setup - I've fixed this, and just completed a clean GEOS
build under MingW by downloading a fresh source and applying the patch
from my previous email :D
Could you tell us what the problem was? I'm having similar problems with MinGW/MSYS when building GDAL. I changed the max_cmd_len to 50000 and it fixed the problem, but according to you my MinGW setup is faulty.


Hi Ari,

Sure. I found a second copy of ld.exe and a few other utilities
in /mingw/mingw32 even after I had upgraded the binutils package. The
solution for me was to extract the latest binutils package
(binutils-2.17.50-20060824-1.tar.gz) in /mingw/, and then move
the /mingw/mingw32 directory somewhere safe outside of /mingw/.

I then found that re-running configure allowed libtool to find the
version of ld.exe in /mingw/bin rather than /mingw/mingw32/bin, and the
linking problem disappeared. I'd be interested to hear whether this
solves the problem for you.

Kind regards,


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