This seems fine in JTS 1.11. There's been several bug fixes/improvements to the buffer code since it was last ported to GEOS, I think - and any of them could be causing the problem.

Ah, the joys of two code bases.... gcj, anyone?

GEOS wrote:
#241: GEOSBuffer produces an invalid geometry
 Reporter:  pleroux     |       Owner:
Type: defect | Status: new Priority: major | Milestone: 3.1.1 Component: Default | Version: 3.0.0 Severity: Unassigned | Keywords: ------------------------+---------------------------------------------------
 Here's a a valid polygon for which the GEOSBuffer function produces an
 invalid geometry.

 At the beginning, I didn't test the returned geometry but only wrote it in
 WKT format (and it "worked"). I tested different values for dist (1 (m)
 and 2) and, with 1, it is obvious than the result is not valid (a big hole
 of the poygon disappears and two small polygons are created). With 2, it
 "seems" good and the obvious error obtained with 1 don't occur any more.

 Even if they are not valid, I think they're interesting to investigate

 >>> from shapely.wkb import loads
 >>> polygon =
 >>> polygon.is_valid
 >>> buffer_1 = polygon.buffer(1.)
 >>> buffer_1.is_valid
 >>> buffer_2 = polygon.buffer(2.)
 >>> buffer_2.is_valid
 >>> print >> open('buffer_1.hexwkb','w'), buffer_1.wkb.encode('hex')
 >>> print >> open('buffer_2.hexwkb','w'), buffer_2.wkb.encode('hex')

 On MacOSX, libgeos 3.0.0, with an equivalent code in C, the problem occurs


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Martin Davis
Senior Technical Architect
Refractions Research, Inc.
(250) 383-3022

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