I'm surprise that PostGIS is so much faster too! Can you supply the output, so I can check it against JTS?

One thing I notice is that the input I'm using has 5615 elements and 11502 points.

This *might* make a big difference, if you are missing some of the bigger linestrings which (a) have large buffer polygons and (b) intersect *all* of the other elements' buffers.

strk wrote:
On Thu, May 13, 2010 at 09:22:49AM -0700, Martin Davis wrote:
Just tried the buffer-and-union approach in JTS. It works fine - about 70 s for the union, less for the initial buffering. Memory usage was low.

I tried buffer-and-union approach in PostGIS.
It was very fast !

Some stats:

 - Original geometry is a MULTILINESTRING with 3272 components
 - Average number of points per component: 3.3 (from 2 to 93)
 - Total number of points: 10677

Postgis operations with timing:

 $ time psql -c 'create table bug_dump2 as select (st_dump(g)).* from bug;'
 real    0m0.330s
 user    0m0.032s
 sys     0m0.012s

 $ time psql strk -c 'update bug_dump2 set geom = st_buffer(geom, 0.005)';
 UPDATE 3272
 real    0m0.463s
 user    0m0.040s
 sys     0m0.008s

 $ time psql strk -Ac 'select st_npoints(st_union(geom)) from bug_dump2';
 st_npoints: 1336
 real    0m1.181s
 user    0m0.040s
 sys     0m0.008s

This is postgis trunk (to be 2.0.0) with GEOS trunk (to be 3.3.0).

I'm surprised it takes 70 seconds with JTS. Am I doing anything wrong here ?


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Martin Davis
Senior Technical Architect
Refractions Research, Inc.
(250) 383-3022

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