#976: Voronoi polygons robustness issue
 Reporter:  komzpa      |       Owner:  geos-devel@…
     Type:  defect      |      Status:  new
 Priority:  major       |   Milestone:
Component:  Default     |     Version:  3.6.2
 Severity:  Unassigned  |  Resolution:
 Keywords:              |

Comment (by mdavis):

 Here's a simple test case to reproduce the problem. It's two of the
 Delaunay triangles.
 GEOMETRYCOLLECTION (POLYGON ((193600.80333333334 469345.355,
 193600.80333333334 469345.0175, 193601.10666666666 469345.0175,
 193600.80333333334 469345.355)),
   POLYGON ((193600.80333333334 469345.355, 193601.10666666666 469345.0175,
 193601.10666666666 469345.355, 193600.80333333334 469345.355)))

 Computing the circumcentres produces slightly different points:
 GEOMETRYCOLLECTION (POINT (193600.95500000002 469345.18625),
                     POINT (193600.95500000002 469345.18624999997) )

 This can be tried with extended-precision to see if it produces identical

Ticket URL: <https://trac.osgeo.org/geos/ticket/976#comment:11>
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