Renamed the tests, anything works fine. 

Btw, I included also the offical XACML test set, but disabled the tests. I 
will only need them if have to fix something in suns xacml implementation.
Of course I looked at gt-xsd module, but I decided to do an own 
implementation, studying the code from Justin to avoid errors.  The reasons 

1) I only need a subset of gml2 and gml3 (only geometries)
2) The GeoXACML specifications says that within a policy, one SHOULD decide 
between GML2 or GML2.
  I implemented an approach looking into the GML DOM and decide on the fly 
which GML version to use.
3) I solved the LAT/LON problem of the CRS definitions with 
CRS.decode("..",true) for any needed CRS
 (I asked today on the mailing list). At the moment, all GML coords within a 
policy have to be LON/LAT,
  perhaps I think about a possibility to allow  LAT/LON, which should be 
possible. The "crs" Method of the GML2Util class uses CRS.decode("...").
Yes, point 3 on the wiki page is about the PEPs, and I left it open where 
and how to integrate them into GeoServer.
That is a decision for the core geoserver developers. 

The java code is easy as you can see here

I took a quick look at the policy editor. This is an universal editor which 
is driven bei the xml schema.
But you have to fill in the attribute Values for yourself and that is a 
The data type attribute for a geometry is 
"urn:ogc:def:dataType:geoxacml:1.0:geometry", the functionid attribute for 
the "area"  is "urn:ogc:def:function:geoxacml:1.0:geometry-area". No user 
will do that. 

XACML functions are typed like in java, so the starting point of a Condition 
element can only be a function which returns a boolean. Based on the type 
system, the names of possible functions and the xml schema, one could build 
a comfortable wizzard. A Web based editor in geoserver would be the best, 
but that is a not a small project.
I am not really good in designing web pages, I simple do not like it. But I 
could implement the base functionality.
The next logical step would be
1) Implement a PolicFinderModule for GeoServer. I need some place in the 
GEOSERVER_DATA_DIR. Give me a directory.
  I will open a second module "web-geoxacml", the geoxacml module should be 
moved to geotools
2) Trying to have the same functionality as
  I have to implement the XACML RBAC to support roles (including 
hierarchies), and we must implement a PEP.

So far, I invested 4 weeks. At the moment I am working on my master thesis 
"Securing spatial data with GeoXACML in a J2ee container" and I want to get 
finished with my study. That is the reason for the GeoXACML boost. 


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