Interesting that the nightly build I used really didn't work.  I'll try a
more recent one and let you know how it goes.

I understand the performance issue.  I'll add internal tiling to  the tiffs
in place, do some tests with our other software that accesses it, and if
everything checks out, I won't have to duplicate the dataset.  As this is a
static dataset, I wasn't too worried about performance-- once I have the
cache populated, I never have to populate it again, but that may be
short-sighted if I end up combining the aerials imagery with other overlays
that do change sometime down the road.

Thanks again,

Stephen Mather, GIS Manager
Cleveland Metroparks
4101 Fulton Pkwy
Cleveland, OH 44144
Phone:  (216) 635-3243
FAX:     (216) 635-3286

-----Original Message-----
From: Andrea Aime [] 
Sent: Thursday, April 01, 2010 2:32 AM
Cc: 'Simone Giannecchini';
Subject: Re: [Geoserver-devel] Image pyramid improvements and tutorial

Stephen V. Mather ha scritto:
> Hmm, the embarassment of naïve configuration... .  :D  Let me do some 
> additional testing on my end.  I assume then that you got the image 
> pyramid plugin to work without a special version of GeoServer?

Correct, just took a nightly build, pointed it at the cleaned up "test"
directory (the first one that has tiles inside), after removing all
shapefiles, all property files.

However performance wise the result is not really usable, the reprojection
is quite heavy


Andrea Aime
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