Hi all,

With the pushing back of RC1 by a week I could not help myself to whip up
two pending proposals having to do with restconfig.


The first I don't imagine will require too much discussion and actually has
already been more or less agreed upon by devs. It is the promoting of
RESTConfig to core module. It is pretty low risk so I don't forsee much
resistance to getting it into RC1.

GSIP 58 though probably requires more discussion. Although it was discussed
in this previous email thread:


The outcome of that proposal was two fold:

1. It would be good to somehow share code or merge this with the wps import
2. Some concerns about this functionality continuing down the rest good
practice violation path

Both good concerns. For (1) I would like to push off as a future
improvement. I have some ideas about how to factor out such code but it
would be a significant under taking.

For (2) I think it was agreed that fixing these mal practices will have to
be something done in a version 2 of the api in which we can break some of
the api.

As for getting GSIP 58 into RC1 or even 2.1.0 I am not going to push on
that, i want to hear peoples opinions on that. On the one hand I want to
push for more modest development which means holding back on features like
this. On the other hand since its a public api addition it would be good to
get it into 2.1.0.

Feedback welcome.


Justin Deoliveira
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