
I am concerned about adding metadata file with shapefile as we distribute 
public data with intellectual property.
I just read the thread 
where some of you has been talking about it.
What I would like to do is modify SHAPE-ZIP format and add .shp.xml (or not) 
taking it from MetadataURL in WMS Capabilities document.
I found this tutorial 
http://geoserver.org/display/GEOSDOC/Create+your+own+Output+Format as a good 
start but I'd appreciate some advices on the implementation:

I was planning to modify the template like this:

and then create a fonction to get the MetadataFile in the class 
ShapeZipOutputFormat which would get the capabilities document from wms service 
and than parse it to get the url and finally get the Metadata document to add 
it to the zip file.
Theoritically it doesn't seems too hard, but it is the first time I'm diving 
into Geoserver source code and I would appreciate some advices if you don't 
I wanted to check also if you are not implementing it and if you would be 
interested in my modification ?

Thanks in advance,

Sylvie Fiat 

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