See <>

[...truncated 3833 lines...]
      In response to a valid delete request, all matching features shall be 
                  Testing wfs:GetFeatureById-KVP 
                     Assertion: Attempts to fetch a feature by identifier using 
the GetFeature/GET binding.
Validation warning:
  SchemaLocation: schemaLocation value = ' 
 must have even number of URI's.
1 warning detected.

                  Test wfs:GetFeatureById-KVP Passed
                  Testing wfs:GetFeatureById-KVP 
                     Assertion: Attempts to fetch a feature by identifier using 
the GetFeature/GET binding.
Validation warning:
  SchemaLocation: schemaLocation value = ' 
 must have even number of URI's.
1 warning detected.

                  Test wfs:GetFeatureById-KVP Passed
                  Testing wfs:GetFeatureById-KVP 
                     Assertion: Attempts to fetch a feature by identifier using 
the GetFeature/GET binding.
Validation warning:
  SchemaLocation: schemaLocation value = ' 
 must have even number of URI's.
1 warning detected.

                  Test wfs:GetFeatureById-KVP Passed
               Test wfs:wfs-1.1.0-Transaction-tc13.1 Passed
               Testing wfs:run-Transaction-Cleanup 
                  Assertion: Run test group for cleaning up (deleting) the 
features inserted by the Transactions.
                  Testing wfs:delete-test-data 
                     Assertion: Deletes the test data used in transactions 
during the test run.
                     Testing wfs:delete-feature 
      Deletes a feature by typename and gml:name.
                     Test wfs:delete-feature Passed
                     Testing wfs:delete-feature 
      Deletes a feature by typename and gml:name.
                     Test wfs:delete-feature Passed
                     Testing wfs:delete-feature 
      Deletes a feature by typename and gml:name.
                     Test wfs:delete-feature Passed
                     Testing wfs:delete-feature 
      Deletes a feature by typename and gml:name.
                     Test wfs:delete-feature Passed
                     Testing wfs:delete-feature 
      Deletes a feature by typename and gml:name.
                     Test wfs:delete-feature Passed
                     Testing wfs:delete-feature 
      Deletes a feature by typename and gml:name.
                     Test wfs:delete-feature Passed
                     Testing wfs:delete-feature 
      Deletes a feature by typename and gml:name.
                     Test wfs:delete-feature Passed
                     Testing wfs:delete-feature 
      Deletes a feature by typename and gml:name.
                     Test wfs:delete-feature Passed
                     Testing wfs:delete-feature 
      Deletes a feature by typename and gml:name.
                     Test wfs:delete-feature Passed
                     Testing wfs:delete-feature 
      Deletes a feature by typename and gml:name.
                     Test wfs:delete-feature Passed
                     Testing wfs:delete-feature 
      Deletes a feature by typename and gml:name.
                     Test wfs:delete-feature Passed
                     Testing wfs:delete-feature 
      Deletes a feature by typename and gml:name.
                     Test wfs:delete-feature Passed
                     Testing wfs:delete-feature 
      Deletes a feature by typename and gml:name.
                     Test wfs:delete-feature Passed
                     Testing wfs:delete-feature 
      Deletes a feature by typename and gml:name.
                     Test wfs:delete-feature Passed
                     Testing wfs:delete-feature 
      Deletes a feature by typename and gml:name.
                     Test wfs:delete-feature Passed
                     Testing wfs:delete-feature 
      Deletes a feature by typename and gml:name.
                     Test wfs:delete-feature Passed
                     Testing wfs:delete-feature 
      Deletes a feature by typename and gml:name.
                     Test wfs:delete-feature Passed
                     Testing wfs:delete-feature 
      Deletes a feature by typename and gml:name.
                     Test wfs:delete-feature Passed
                     Testing wfs:delete-feature 
      Deletes a feature by typename and gml:name.
                     Test wfs:delete-feature Passed
                     Testing wfs:filter-delete-feature 
      Deletes a feature by by a manual filter.
                     Test wfs:filter-delete-feature Passed
                  Test wfs:delete-test-data Passed
               Test wfs:run-Transaction-Cleanup Passed
            Test wfs:run-Transaction-POST Passed
            LockFeature using the POST method is implemented.
            Testing wfs:run-LockFeature-POST 
               Assertion: Run test group for LockFeature requests using the 
POST method
               Testing wfs:LockFeature-expiry 
                  Assertion: After a LockFeature request with an expiry 
attribute is submitted and the time expires, the lock is released.
                  Unable to acquire lock on PrimitiveGeoFeature.8
               Test wfs:LockFeature-expiry Passed
               Testing wfs:LockFeature-some-features 
                  Assertion: In response to a LockFeature request that includes 
some locked and some unlocked feature identifiers and lockAction=SOME, the 
response is a 'WFS_LockFeatureResponse' element that lists the previously 
unlocked feature ids in the 'FeaturesLocked' element and the previously locked 
feature ids in the 'FeaturesNotLocked' element.  The previously unlocked 
features are locked.
                  Unable to acquire lock on PrimitiveGeoFeature.3
               Test wfs:LockFeature-some-features Passed
               Testing wfs:LockFeature-all-features 
                  Assertion: The response to a LockFeature request includes the 
identifiers of features that were locked.
               Test wfs:LockFeature-all-features Passed
               Testing wfs:LockFeature-identifiers-none 
                  Assertion: In response to a LockFeature request that contains 
a filter that doesn't match any features, the response is a 
'WFS_LockFeatureResponse' document that contains a value for the lockId 
attribute but contains neither a 'FeaturesLocked' element nor a 
'FeatureNotLocked' element.
               Test wfs:LockFeature-identifiers-none Passed
               Testing wfs:LockFeature-invalid-request 
                  Assertion: An invalid LockFeature request results in an 
               Test wfs:LockFeature-invalid-request Passed
               Target endpoint is http://localhost:11010/geoserver/wfs
               Testing wfs:wfs-1.1.0-LockFeature-tc1.1 
      The response to a LockFeature request that specifies lockAction="ALL" must
      include a response that identifies all locked features. If any candidate
      features cannot be locked, then no feature shall be locked and an 
      report is returned.
                  Testing ctl:SchematronValidatingParser 
                     Assertion: Validate an XML instance against a Schematron 
schema using the given phase.
                  Test ctl:SchematronValidatingParser Passed
                  Testing wfs:GetFeatureById-KVP 
                     Assertion: Attempts to fetch a feature by identifier using 
the GetFeature/GET binding.
Validation warning:
  SchemaLocation: schemaLocation value = ' 
 must have even number of URI's.
1 warning detected.

                  Test wfs:GetFeatureById-KVP Passed
                  Testing wfs:GetFeatureByName 
                     Assertion: Attempt to fetch a feature by name using the 
GetFeature/POST binding.
                  Test wfs:GetFeatureByName Passed
               Test wfs:wfs-1.1.0-LockFeature-tc1.1 Passed
               Testing wfs:wfs-1.1.0-LockFeature-tc2.1 
      The response to a Transaction request that specifies an invalid LockId
      value must include an exception report.
                  Testing ctl:SchematronValidatingParser 
                     Assertion: Validate an XML instance against a Schematron 
schema using the given phase.
                  Test ctl:SchematronValidatingParser Passed
               Test wfs:wfs-1.1.0-LockFeature-tc2.1 Passed
               Testing wfs:wfs-1.1.0-LockFeature-tc3.1 
      In response to a Transaction request that specifies releaseAction="SOME",
      only modified features in the lock set shall be unlocked.
                  Testing wfs:GetFeatureByName 
                     Assertion: Attempt to fetch a feature by name using the 
GetFeature/POST binding.
                  Test wfs:GetFeatureByName Passed
                  Testing ctl:SchematronValidatingParser 
                     Assertion: Validate an XML instance against a Schematron 
schema using the given phase.
                  Test ctl:SchematronValidatingParser Passed
               Test wfs:wfs-1.1.0-LockFeature-tc3.1 Passed
            Test wfs:run-LockFeature-POST Passed
            GetFeatureWithLock using the POST method is implemented.
            Testing wfs:run-GetFeatureWithLock-POST 
               Assertion: Run test group for GetFeatureWithLock requests using 
the POST method
               Testing wfs:GetFeatureWithLock-Xlink 
                  Assertion: Execute WFS transaction with XlinkPropertyName and 
test for exception.
                  sf:LinkedFeature does not exist
               Test wfs:GetFeatureWithLock-Xlink Passed
               Target endpoint is http://localhost:11010/geoserver/wfs
               Testing wfs:wfs-1.1.0-GetFeatureWithLock-tc1.1 
      The response to a LockFeature request that specifies lockAction="ALL" must
      include a response that identifies all locked features. If any candidate
      features cannot be locked, then no feature shall be locked and an 
      report is returned.
                  Testing ctl:SchematronValidatingParser 
                     Assertion: Validate an XML instance against a Schematron 
schema using the given phase.
                  Test ctl:SchematronValidatingParser Passed
                  Testing wfs:GetFeatureByName 
                     Assertion: Attempt to fetch a feature by name using the 
GetFeature/POST binding.
                  Test wfs:GetFeatureByName Passed
                  Testing wfs:GetFeatureByName 
                     Assertion: Attempt to fetch a feature by name using the 
GetFeature/POST binding.
                  Test wfs:GetFeatureByName Passed
               Test wfs:wfs-1.1.0-GetFeatureWithLock-tc1.1 Passed
               Testing wfs:wfs-1.1.0-GetFeatureWithLock-tc2.1 
      If locks on all matching features cannot be acquired, the response to a
      GetFeatureWithLock request must include an exception report.
                  Testing ctl:SchematronValidatingParser 
                     Assertion: Validate an XML instance against a Schematron 
schema using the given phase.
                  Test ctl:SchematronValidatingParser Passed
               Test wfs:wfs-1.1.0-GetFeatureWithLock-tc2.1 Passed
            Test wfs:run-GetFeatureWithLock-POST Passed
         Test wfs:transaction-main Passed
      Test wfs:readiness-tests Failed (Inherited failure)
   Test wfs:wfs-main Failed (Inherited failure)
Suite ctl:wfs-1.1.0-compliance-suite Failed
Test wfs:wfs-main (wfs-1.1.0) Failed (Inherited Failure)
   Test wfs:readiness-tests (wfs-1.1.0/d39e34902_1) Failed (Inherited Failure)
      Test wfs:basic-main (wfs-1.1.0/d39e34902_1/d39e732_1) Failed (Inherited 
         Test wfs:run-GetFeature-POST 
(wfs-1.1.0/d39e34902_1/d39e732_1/d39e25206_1) Failed (Inherited Failure)
            Test wfs:run-GetFeature-POST-arithmeticops 
(wfs-1.1.0/d39e34902_1/d39e732_1/d39e25206_1/d39e16209_1) Failed (Inherited 
               Test wfs:wfs-1.1.0-Basic-GetFeature-tc302.1 
(wfs-1.1.0/d39e34902_1/d39e732_1/d39e25206_1/d39e16209_1/d39e12726_1) Failed 
(Inherited Failure)
                  Test ctl:assert-xpath 
                  Test ctl:assert-xpath 
                  Test ctl:assert-xpath 
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curl: (7) couldn't connect to host
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