2012/10/22 Chris Holmes <chol...@opengeo.org>:
> Should I be able to just run that script on a geoserver checkout and then
> have it wired to the geoserver_test project? And be able to pull down
> updates from the transifex server? I'll try it out, but just want to be sure
> that's the intention.

Yes, that's the intention.

> Also what are your thoughts on bringing over some of the translations from
> the geoserver_22x transifex? I suppose we could just create those in the new
> repo and move the files over.

Sure. Gave you access to geoserver_test if you want to play.

I understand that the definitive place for translations will still be
github, periodically pulling from transifex, right?

>>> Regarding character encoding:
> Really? Gabriel and I didn't successfully do this, and it looked like there
> might be some problems with how GeoServer reads them in.

You are right, it works when running jetty from inside Eclipse, but
the web-core translation file is corrupted when building with maven.

After a bit of investigation, the problem is with the
maven-antrun-plugin in web/core/pom.xml
You have to declare the resource files encoding as ISO-8859-1. See commit:


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