>From Simone's email to getools-devel:

a while ago we agree on having a windows build server for geotools
> which is reachable here:
> http://winbuild.geo-solutions.it/jenkins
> credentials are the same for the linux build server.

I was able to restore the build for geotools-devel, but it looks like we
have some failures for the geoserver master build target.

Failed tests:
> testSEStyleWithRelativePathProtocol(org.geoserver.catalog.ResourcePoolTest):
> expected:<C:\.jenkins\jobs\GeoServer-Master\workspace\src\main\target\default4702095627624841408data\styles\images\rockFillSymbol.png>
> but was:<\\images\rockFillSymbol.png>

A general call out on this one, I would like to ensure we build cleanly on
windows (and take advantage of this machine that has been provided).

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