Hi Andrea

XMLUserGroupStore and XMLRoleStore have a method releaseLock which should
do the job.

As far as I can remember, org.geoserver.security.file.LockFile.finalize()
 is a safeguard.

Any idea where to call releaseLock to avoid this problem.


On Mon, Apr 27, 2015 at 2:47 PM, Andrea Aime <andrea.a...@geo-solutions.it>

> On Mon, Apr 27, 2015 at 2:41 PM, Christian Mueller <
> christian.muel...@os-solutions.at> wrote:
>> +1
>> Unfortunately there is no Windows around me for investigations.
> Hi Christian,
> the issue is difficult to reproduce but I have a hunch. The lock file is
> always the same, however
> I can see that during a test run several LockFile instances are getting
> created, and eventually
> garbage collected... when that happens, finalize() is called, which
> deletes the file,
> on a Windows server, if the deletion happens while another LockFile
> instance tries to write
> the file, we are bound to see the error in question... and this would also
> explain the intermittence
> of the error, it's driven by GC cycles.
> Can the code be modified to avoid this randomness? I'd think LockFile
> should be treated
> as a resource like datastore and friends, and closed explicitly once not
> used anymore.
> Cheers
> Andrea
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DI Christian Mueller MSc (GIS), MSc (IT-Security)
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