Hi again,


<meta charset="UTF-8">

to the <head> of the ol3 template seems to solve the issue.

I'll create a PR tonight for you to verify and hopefully you will allow a
backport to the stable branch.

Olle Markljung

tis 26 maj 2015 kl. 15:51 skrev Olle Markljung <marklj...@gmail.com>:

> Hello,
> I'm having trouble previewing layers in GeoServer 2.7.1.
> It did not exist in 2.4.2.
> It occurs when previewing layers with special characters in its name.
> Probably related to https://osgeo-org.atlassian.net/browse/GEOS-4858
> It did not work to change the document encoding of
> the OpenLayers3MapTemplate.ftl to UTF-8.
> The output format tries to return the response in UTF-8:
> OpenLayersMapOutputFormat.produceMap:
> ---
> template.setOutputEncoding("UTF-8");
> ByteArrayOutputStream buff = new ByteArrayOutputStream();
> template.process(map, new OutputStreamWriter(buff,
> Charset.forName("UTF-8")));
> RawMap result = new RawMap(mapContent, buff, MIME_TYPE);
> return result;
> But, when looking at the response in Chrome I get a content type without
> charset information:
> Content-Type:text/html; subtype=openlayers
> The following resources ol3.js and ol.css are correctly served as
> Content-Type:application/x-javascript; charset=UTF-8 and
> Content-Type:text/css; charset=UTF-8
> When looking at the response from the GetMap response and copying the
> content to a text editor I can see that the encoding of the document is
> "UTF-8 without BOM".
> If I serve the same file locally (through IIS as plain html) I get the
> same behavior but when saving the document as UTF-8 I get a working layer
> preview page.
> Any ideas on how to get the RawMap result to render the charset=UTF-8
> information to the browser?
> Regards,
> Olle Markljung
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