On Tue, Dec 1, 2015 at 3:20 PM Jody Garnett <jody.garn...@gmail.com> wrote:

> I was going to punt out a milestone release of master and test on Windows
> / OSX. Based on that I think we are happy to backport.
> Cool.

> Acceptance criteria mostly focused on OS X and windows installers
> continuing to function. I am a little gun shy based on recent log4j / jetty
> conflict in ares.
> Fair enough. Only logging issue I can remember was having to upgrade the
version of slf4j and the slf4j log4j adapter.

> Do you have any feedback on updating windows / OS X installers to Java 8?

Nothing specific. The mac installer uses a tool called appbundler to bundle
a jre which is the recommended way to ship java apps for osx.  As far as I
know it should work without any changes. If it doesn’t when the time comes
I can take a look.

On Tue, Dec 1, 2015 at 2:17 PM Justin Deoliveira <jdeol...@gmail.com> wrote:
>> On Tue, Dec 1, 2015 at 2:37 PM Ben Caradoc-Davies <b...@transient.nz>
>> wrote:
>>> GeoTools / GeoServer Meeting 2015-12-01
>>> =======================================
>>> Attending
>>> ---------
>>> Ben Caradoc-Davies
>>> Kevin Smith
>>> Jody Garnett
>>> Jukka Rahkonen
>>> Ian Turton
>>> Niels Charlier
>>> Torben Barsballe
>>> Andrea Aime
>>> Agenda
>>> ------
>>> - PSC changes
>>> - uDig problems with Boundless Maven repository
>>> - Resource API migration
>>> - Jetty / Spring version upgrade
>>> - Java 8 change
>>> Actions
>>> -------
>>> - Jody: update GeoServer PSC list [DONE]
>>> - Ben: email Ian and Brad to ask if interested in joining PSC
>>> - Ben: merge ResourceStore changes
>>> - Ben: switch GeoServer and GeoTools master to Java 8
>>> - Kevin: switch GeoWebcache master to Java 8
>>> - Ian Turton to release GeoServer this month
>>> - Jody: release milestone
>>> Actions from last meeting
>>> -------------------------
>>> - Jody: merge GeoTools PR #1030 and backport to 14.x for 14.1/2.8.1
>>> [DEFERRED see #1055]
>>> - Jody: merge GeoTools PR #1048 for 14.x for 14.1 release [DONE]
>>> - Ben: release 14.1/2.8.1 [DONE]
>>> - Alessio: release 2.7.4
>>> - Ben: simplify Jira workflow for GeoTools and GeoServer [DONE]
>>> - Jody: call for nominations for PSC on mailing list
>>> - Jody: nominate Kevin Smith for PSC on mailing list [DONE]
>>> - Kevin: GeoTools / GeoServer - change from snapshot to main (to prevent
>>> HTTP 409). Kevin will prepare pull request [DONE]
>>> PSC changes
>>> -----------
>>> - Kevin Smith joins the GeoServer PSC
>>> - Phil Scadden steps down from the GeoServer PSC
>>> - Ask for user representative?
>>> - Look for individuals who has been active on the user mailing list?
>>>    a) Ian Turton
>>>    b) Brad Hards
>>> - Action [Done] Update
>>> https://github.com/geoserver/geoserver/blob/master/doc/en/developer/source/policies/psc.rst
>>> - Action: email Ian and Brad to ask for interest
>>> uDig problems with Boundless Maven repository
>>> ---------------------------------------------
>>> - Should be solved
>>>    - Original repo failed in september
>>>    - Http redirect and http proxy pointing to artifactoryonline did not
>>> work out as replacement
>>>    - Now repo.boundlessgeo.com/main DNS changed to directly reference
>>> artifactory online
>>> - uDig repo may not yet have been restored?
>>> ResourceStore API migration
>>> ---------------------------
>>> Here is the wiki page:
>>> *
>>> https://github.com/geoserver/geoserver/wiki/Cleaning%20up%20File%20References
>>> https://github.com/geoserver/geoserver/pull/1346
>>> https://github.com/GeoWebCache/geowebcache/pull/354
>>> - This is not a new proposal, it is the "second half" of the proposal
>>> https://github.com/geoserver/geoserver/wiki/GSIP-106
>>> https://github.com/geoserver/geoserver/wiki/ResourceStore-API-Examples
>>> - Large pull request exceeds GitHub limits, last 57 files show no
>>> changes (so look at individual commits!)
>>> - GitHub support apologise, plan to implement a warning notice
>>> Niels:
>>> - This can use extra testing during review/merge (request a couple of
>>> hours testing before merge)
>>> - Or apply to master and ask for nightly-build testing
>>> - Include in a milestone? Yes.
>>> Discussion:
>>> - Jody: Consider testing this with new version of spring / jetty?
>>> - Ian: how to tell what caused failure?
>>> - Niels: no more pending changes - this is good to go
>>> - Resolution of base directory access question? Via
>>> GeoServerResourceLoader.
>>> Q: try-with-resource syntax? Could not fix for rest module due to
>>> pom.xml setting. A: fix it!
>>> Q: Ben can you review and merge? A: yes!
>>> Jetty / Spring version upgrade
>>> ------------------------------
>>> Spring appears low risk:
>>> - applied to master, low-risk to backport.
>>> Jetty requires testing:
>>> - Boundless uses Jetty 7.6.13.v20130916 (we jumping to 9.2 so it does
>>> not help)
>>> - Jody will volunteer to make a milestone release. Send to user list.
>>> - After testing of milestone, we can make decision about backport
>>> Q: Do we know Justin's timeframe? Ask on mailing list ...
>>> No time frame. I’ve already done the back port on a branch and I am
>> working from that for the project. I am happy to continue to do that if the
>> PSC feels the upgrade is too risky.
>> I can also potentially put time toward some of the things Andrea
>> suggested to mitigate risk. If the PSC can decide what the acceptance
>> criteria I can let you know what I can take on.
>>> Java 8
>>> ------
>>> Ben++!!!
>>> Volunteers to switch the codebase to java 8.
>>> Action:[Kevin] Confirm ares has OpenJDK and Oracle Java 8?
>>> Warning: build times with java 8 are slower ...
>>> Release Schedule
>>> ----------------
>>> - https://github.com/geoserver/geoserver/wiki/Release-Schedule
>>> Ian volunteers for 2015-12-18 GeoTools 13.5 / GeoServer 2.7.5.
>>> Pull requests
>>> -------------
>>> https://github.com/geotools/geotools/pull/1051
>>> - waiting on feedback :)
>>> https://github.com/geotools/geotools/pull/1057
>>> - having some trouble communicating design with ahuarte47, fixes in
>>> isolation address the specific issue, but break the larger design (for
>>> example loading features into memory to count). Continue reviewing pull
>>> request, consider breakout IRC meeting if needed.
>>> Sprint
>>> ------
>>> Reminder sign up here, deadline Dec 10th:
>>> - https://wiki.osgeo.org/wiki/GeoServer_Code_Sprint_2016
>>> Discussion
>>> ----------
>>> - Defer Java 8 upgrade until after milestone to avoid entanglements
>>> --
>>> Ben Caradoc-Davies <b...@transient.nz>
>>> Director
>>> Transient Software Limited <http://transient.nz/>
>>> New Zealand
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> --
> --
> Jody Garnett
Go from Idea to Many App Stores Faster with Intel(R) XDK
Give your users amazing mobile app experiences with Intel(R) XDK.
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