Thank you so much Jody for all your work rounding this up.

I am +1 to delay the release and upgrade now to Spring 4.

Support for Java 8 for both users and developers is one of the major 
selling points for the 2.9 release. I think it is worthwhile to clear 
this technical debt so that we can deliver full support for Java 8.

If we get this out the door in the next month or so, we could even 
consider it a 3.0 release, as we have big changes with both Wicket 7 and 
Java 8. Or would that be GeoTools 9.0 (dropping major version in the 
tradition of Solaris and GeoTools)?  :-)

Kind regards,

On 01/03/16 21:42, Jody Garnett wrote:
> I have gathered up email, notes and conversations here:
> *
> We will be upgrading (one way or another) to Spring 4 shortly.
> I would like to ask the PSC to review the above, add to it with your own
> research, and make a decision about:
> * Temp Fix: Build and Run with Java 8 carefully
> * Upgrade Now: Delay Release and Migrate to Spring 4
> We have a couple of outstanding questions, most noticeably contacting
> Christian with respect to the Security CAS module.
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Transient Software Limited <>
New Zealand

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