Great, thanks to both of you. Now I see clearer on how to debug and improve this. If I get something that would be useful to all, after improving the queries, I'll share the trick!


Le 21/03/2017 à 12:58, Jonathan Moules a écrit :
Hi Gabriel,
If you turn the GeoServer logging level to Geotools-developer level, the log file will then include the SQL query that is sent to the database. This should facilitate debugging this issue.

You can then try running the query against your database's EXPLAIN syntax - which shows how your database thinks it will run it (or even better, EXPLAIN ANALYZE, which runs it and then says how it ran it). This will let you try and determine where the bottleneck is. I've found this to be a fairly decent tutorial:]

Between these you should hopefully be able to determine whether the optimisation scope is GeoServer, PostGres, your query, or some combination thereof.


---- On Mon, 20 Mar 2017 17:34:03 +0000 *Gabriel Vatin <>* wrote ----

    Thanks Andrea for the quick answer. What I can't really guess for
    now, is when and how is the SQL view executed : does the BBOX
    attribute of GetMap queries affect this SQL view (when no
    parameter in the view definition) ?

    The type of query to create a new layer is done so : I have a
    whole "goi" table with attributes such as name etc., and a table
    with all geometries (stored in geo_data column, which is a
    Geometry,4326 with GIST index). Each layers of my GeoServer
    changes with the "got_id" (layer theme ID), stored on the goi
    table. Here is the whole view

    SELECT id, id_ori, name, geo_data
    FROM geometrie
    LEFT JOIN goi USING (goi_id)
    WHERE got_id = 105

    I add this extra line for the 2nd version, where the POLYGON is
    view parameter generated from the client :

    5420870,810771 5420870,810771 5422870,808771 5422870,808771

    Le 20/03/2017 à 17:00, Andrea Aime a écrit :

        Hi Gabriel,
        it seems your database of choice has real trouble figuring out
        a good access plan
        for those queries. Hard to say if the db should be able to
        just figure out that the
        outer spatial index can be executed directly in the inner
        query or not without seeing the query.

        Normally postgis/postgresql is pretty good with planning,
        while Oracle and SQL Server are
        rather poor.

        Some systems allow to add a place where the current "bbox" can
        be expanded as a parameter
        transparently (without explicit support). GeoServer could have
        it too with some development effort:

        That said, in your case it seems it's not always a win, I
        guess it's a matter of figuring out
        how many zoomed in vs zoomed out requests you need to produce.
        Maybe you could create two views, one with, one without, bind
        them in a layer group, and use scale dependencies to
        switch from one to the other.


        On Mon, Mar 20, 2017 at 3:55 PM, Gabriel Vatin
        < <>>

            Hi all,

            Some questions about Geoserver performances when using SQL
            views as
            layers. I've got many layers that are defined from SQL
            views directly on
            Geoserver (no viewson the database), from Postgres. It
            seems that each
            time the Geoserver receive a query (single WMS, or multi
            WMS coming from
            tiled queries in OpenLayers), it does the wole SQL query
            for each GET.
            And then return the image from the BBOX.
            When I query a GetMap for a small area, the whole country
            is queried
            just to have a small extent.

            I tried a new SQL view with a %polygon% attributes : this
            adds "AND
            ST_Intersects() " between the geometry from this polygon,
            and the
            geometry of the table. Now I have a strange change :
            - for largest images (a whole city), the return time for
            GetMap is
            divided by 6 (6000ms -> 1000ms)
            - for smallest images (a district), the return time for
            GetMap is
            multiplied by 3 (100ms -> 300ms)

            The SQL with the ST_Intersects and the Bbox takes 300ms,
            so I guess the
            GetMap won't be faster than this...

            Thanks for the advice !

            Gabriel Vatin

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-- Kinaxia
    Gabriel VATIN
    Docteur en Géomatique
    Ingénieur de recherche
    Tél :
    Email : <>


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Email : <>

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