
Andrea Aime

Ian Turton

Jody Garnett

Jukka Rahkonen

Kevin Smith

Torben Barsballe


   CalGIS Workshop retrospective

   Better description for community modules

   Chit Chat

Action items


   AA: make a GSIP to get some more information out of developers asking
   for a community module

   JG: follow up GSIP with actual developers guide documentation changes

Action Items from last meeting


   TB/KS: release 17.1 / 2.11.1 (done)

   KS: make GeoServer change proposal for GWC vulnerability (pending)

   JG: FOSS4G Blog post when presentations announced (pending)

CalGIS Workshop

Intro to GeoServer workshop:


   90 % were windows users

   Many had not seen open source before

   Around 50 people, mix of VM and Community Downloads

   Installation of extensions was “why is this so technical” :)

   TLDR: Windows installers are earning their keep :)

Better description for community modules

Like: text? Or how well they can be trusted?

Goal: An extensive description of what community module is for, see all the
questions around Neil's recent proposal for an example :)

Jody: Do we care if the codebase is not ready for the codebase?


   Andrea: Yes we should if it plans to merge eventually



   What the module does

   Ideas about configuration/UI/whatever if applicable


   Verify overlap with existing modules, making sure we are not duplicating
   work/effort (just a show that this was considered)

   Any  plan to get it into support land anytime soon?

Previously: GeoTools used to ask for wiki page for unsupported modules;
kind of like a mini design document?


   Andrea was thinking more high level…



   Jody - wanted something lightweight to help onboard new committees

      Andrea - that is not working :P

   We can supply a sample email, that shows covering the above topics

      Wiki page or developers guide


   GSIP or PR?

      Action (Andrea/Simone) to make a GSIP to define the above list.

      Action (Jody) PR to update the developers guide.

Chit Chat

For Ben - Urls vs URLs


   Jody - URLs ← follow our coding conventions

      Can we resolve this now or let ben suffer on the email

         Try to keep your class names simple and descriptive. Use whole
         words-avoid acronyms and abbreviations (unless the
abbreviation is much
         more widely used than the long form, such as URL or HTML).

   This is a follow on from another bug, trying to fix the code once

CalGIS Code sprint focused on geotools:


   Adding parameter descriptions to functions

      copy from geoserver user guide, to geotools data structure

      See pictures

Bug stomp?


   Andrea and Torben got a lot done

      If it takes a couple hours, move on it is too big :)

   There are a number of pull requests awaiting review



   Can we upload new version?




   Getting close to be used for default

   GeoSolutions has a number of production servers, Boundless includes
   JAI-EXT for our customers

Technical Debt JAI replacement: update?


   OSGeo Live has started collaboration with Debian; who is very much
   against sun binary license used by JAI. GeoServer may not be included in
   subsequent OSGeo Live distributions. Talk to Ben for details?

   LocationTech is also keen to get the Raster Processing Engine project

   See wiki for plan

Technical Debt XML Parsing:


   For Schema we considered EMF and Xerces

      Technically this is XSD (which is an EMF representation of schema)

      We have problems with memory leaks here

      Xerces offered the other stable representation of Schema

   JAXB -

      Able to generate java beans as static Java Beans

      We need to generate the parser bindings by hand

   EMF - did its own beans (called EObject), also able to model collection

      Very strict on use of factories, etc…

      The tech stack here is ECORE and GenModel, not JavaBeans

      Justin did ‘reflection’ to auto generate the parser bindings

   GML representation - has two uses

      Extended by others, example WMTS

      Used dynamically for parsing features

   What would we need to go forward?


   Use JAXB to generate out remaining models, or reuse from the
   jaxb-for-ogc, parsers, encoders.

      How can we extend for vendor options? Extend beans, parsers, encoders…

      OGC Filter needs to be parsed into our own data structure?

   Then for features; GTXML already uses our own models

XML Why so many?


   Because the old/optimized/easier ones were always faster than the new
   generic ones… we also did not get a chance to remove old ones due to
   sections that have not migrated

   Example GML Transformers for speed

   Have a look at what deegree has done with their multiple rewrites …

New CITE Build server:


   Apollo - should be ready to share, stuck on a H2 test failure

      See geotools-devel “H2DataStoreFactoryTest Failure” for discussion ←
      - Goal is to have this up “for May” to allow cite team to start work
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