Go ahead, I'll review it.

Thanks for your contribution.

Il giorno mar 4 dic 2018 alle ore 22:47 Thomas <tl...@technoeclectic.com>
ha scritto:

> I'm working with integrating my work's oauth service with geoserver.  Upon
> testing the github extension as well as the oauth2 core, I think I may of
> found a bug.
> When a request is made,  GeoServerOAuthAuthenticationFilter:doFilter is
> eventually called.  The filter checks the request parameter for an access
> token and if it doesn't exist it checks the request for a bearer token in
> the Authorization header.  If the token exists in one of those two
> places, doAuthenticate is called and it in turn
> calls getPreAuthenticatedPrincipal.
> The function getPreAuthenticatedPrincipal  attempts to get the token from
> the query parameter but doesn't try to get it from the Authorization
> Header.  According to the RFC for OAuth 2 Bearer Token usage, the resource
> server (Geoserver), should support this.  A link and a snippet from this
> page is below.  This causes an issue for our web client which sends the
> token in the Authorization Header.
> It looks like I could just extend the class
> GeoServerOAuthAuthenticationFilter and put my fixes in there.  But it seems
> it would be more beneficial to submit a pull request.  The changes would be
> about 3 lines.
> Is there any issue with me doing this?  I realize the oauth2 and other
> community extensions aren't really maintained unless a volunteer does it.
> https://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc6750
> section 2.1 Authorization Request Header Field says
> Clients SHOULD make authenticated requests with a bearer token using
>    the "Authorization" request header field with the "Bearer" HTTP
>    authorization scheme.  Resource servers MUST support this method.
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