Dear All,

(This email has been sent to Geotools Dev list, This is the Geoserver
version )

I would like to submit the following GSIP :

*Some Background and Context:*

Geotools and Geoserver make a lot of HTTP calls, internally and externally
for different purposes which include

   - Downloading Schemas
   - Requesting Online Images and Resources
   - Loading remote SLDs
   - Working with remote OGC servers
   - Other Misc calls that involve access resources outside the Data

In some production environments this can be seen as a potential security
loop hole where developers/users have no way of controlling what is being

Hence a new Interface is proposed to implement URL validation before making
the HTTP call. Geotools developers will be able to register implementations
through Simple Dependency Injection or directly registering SIngletons
inside Factory classes.

Geoserver will receive its de-facto implementation of this interface in
which URLs will be validated through Regex expressions configured through a
Web interface. Geoserver will make use of Factory methods available in
Geotools to register its implementation in the API

For backward compatibility, no validation will occur if no regex are

Complete details are included on the proposal. Looking forward to
everyone`s feedback


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