One thing we missed was setting a new release schedule
<> for
GeoServer 2.16.4.

Has there been enough changes
to warrant a 2.16.4 release? (the GeoServer 2.16.3
<> was made
on May 21st)
Jody Garnett

On Tue, 9 Jun 2020 at 10:30, Andrea Aime <>

> GeoTools / GeoServer PMC meeting - 2020-05-26Attending
> Andrea Aime
> Torben Barsballe
> Jukka Rahkonen
> Jody Garnett
> Kevin Smith
> Actions from last meeting
>    -
>    None
> Agenda
>    -
>    2.17.1 release update
>    -
>    JSR 385, units
>    -
>    GeoPackage extensions made extensible
>    -
>    CITE testing update
>    -
>    Website certificate
>    -
>    Fun with DGGS
> Actions:
>    -
>    JG might look at Units downstream fix in GeoServer
> 2.17.1 release update
>    -
>    Announced:
>    -
>       GeoServerO twitter
>       -
>       Todo: email list
>       -
>    Announced:
>    -
>       Todo: email the lists :)
> Testing on the user list was fine:
>    -
>    Got an Oracle test
>    -
>    Fix for JAVA_HOME missing on windows
>    -
>    We should keep doing this
>    -
>       Andrea suggests also check nightly build a few days ahead
> JSR 385, units
> GeoTools is ready:
>    -
>    -
>    Travis has problem with Oracle XE ← ignore
> GeoWebCache:
>    -
>    Do we need a branch? Not sure …
>    -
>    Downstream check passes, so maybe okay
> GeoServer:
>    -
>    Do we need a branch?
>    -
>    See downstream build check:
>    -
>    Action: jody to take an action to look at this :)
> GeoPackage extensions made extensible
> See email to geotools-devel:
>    -
>    Great idea :)
>    -
>    Aside: Work coming on testbed 16
>    -
>    geopackage performance, enumerations
>    -
>    styling support
>    -
>       Competing ideas qgis vs geopackage spec leads
>       -
>       See prior emails on how to integrate via GeoTools
> CITE testing update
> Update: There is a PR:
>    -
>    Cite Automation:
>    -
>    many changes due to move of cite configurations from data folder
>    -
>    action: Jody to review via GeoCat
> Q: Docker repo working?
>    -
>    No feedback yet?
> Sidebar data directory as separate repo
>    -
>    Jody has a NE data directory, downloads its own data
> Website certificate
> See email list?
>    -
>    something to do with github pages
>    -
>    Github interacting with the DNS setup, DNS setup by Tom
> The transform of domain names has no progress yet.
>    -
>    SAC is waiting on Tom
>    -
>    No action recommended until after fedgeoday this week
>    (one of the domains being transferred)
>    -
>    Action: Torben to contact Tom about
> Fun with DGGS
> Discrete Global Grid Systems
>    -
>    Fun teslating non-rectangular grid, okay some could be squares but
>    that is not as cool :)
>    -
> Goal is to have multi-resolution tessellation, and avoid problems at the
> poles, …
>    -
>    Part of testbed 16
>    -
>    treat as a coordinate reference system approach
>    -
>    Off topic: many different approaches for using this technology for
>    data storage
> OSGeo Updates
>    -
>    FOSS4G UK Online next week
>    -
>    OSGeo AGM shaping up to include “State of XXX” talks
>    -
>    GitHub Sponsorship, OSGeo is waiting to be listed as an organization
>    (so we do not lose a 10% cut)
>    -
>       This is set for monthly subscription, so not really an alternative
>       to PayPal
>       -
>       See:
>       -
>    Jody and Andrea are planning a GeoServer podcast via OSGeo Marketing
>    committee
> PR Roundup
> GeoServer:
>    -
>    Clarify suggested Java Version
>    <>
>    -
>       Jody will make a replacement and close this one
>       -
>    Enable Style page to include workspace in filter
>    <>
>    -
>       Lacks a test, needs a manual test, volunteer?
>       -
>    Drafts from gabriel are still open
>    <>
>    -
>    change submit to save where applicable
>    -
>       Q: translations needed? A: No there is a global fallback
>       -
>    [GEOS-9614] inspire extension: wfs admin panel doesn't save unique re
>    <>
>    -
>       Niels: change to extension requires tests
>       -
> GeoTools:
>    -
>    Travis has some open pull requests that we need to bring to the
>    attention of maintainer
> Regards, Andrea Aime
> == GeoServer Professional Services from the experts! Visit
> for more information. == Ing. Andrea Aime @geowolf
> Technical Lead GeoSolutions S.A.S. Via di Montramito 3/A 55054 Massarosa
> (LU) phone: +39 0584 962313 fax: +39 0584 1660272 mob: +39 339 8844549
> ------------------------------------------------------- *Con riferimento
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