> However, the file seems to be intermittently missing... I have tried out
> one minute, this folder did not contain it:
> https://repo.osgeo.org/service/rest/repository/browse/snapshot/org/geowebcache/gwc-core/1.17-SNAPSHOT/
> and one minute later, it was there instead... I don't know if it was due
> to me trying to visit the site using the HTML
> interface, or if I was just unlucky and intercepted an update of the
> file... but the build in question already failed
> a couple of times.
> ...
> It just seems maven is not using this information for gwc-core... and yet,
> the builds are using -U so they should
> be grabbing fresh info from the repository every time (the logs show Maven
> accessing maven-metadata.xml indeed).
> Anyone seeing a reason why this would persistently fail?


David ran into this problem locally yesterday and again today. I have not
been able to reproduce the problem or gain any insight.

Is anyone else having problems with the osgeo repository?
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