You found it :)

Also for the normal title and abstract i18n controls ... the table is
extending out past the width of the page (and I could not fix it in the PR).
- I cannot seem to get the sizes of the locale select control to be cut
down (to provide more room for typing).
- Forcing the width shows that the labels start to line wrap in the list
(we could turn that off and use tooltips for really long locales like Japan)
- I notice that the keyword control uses a much more compact locale chooser
(but does not offer search which is nice)
Jody Garnett

On Tue, 28 Sept 2021 at 00:52, Andrea Aime <> wrote:

> On Mon, Sep 27, 2021 at 2:34 PM Jody Garnett <>
> wrote:
>> The internationalization UI is … ugly? Digging into it there is a `<br/>`
>> tag producing a lot of wasted space, rather than use of css which offers
>> some more control.
> I had real trouble understanding what you were talking about here... the
> layer page looked good and the component was conforming to the proposal,
> the i18n component is not a work of art but was delivered as promised:
> [image: image.png]
>> I just noticed because it looks much better in the UI screen snap that
>> Andrea used for the State of GeoServer presentation, when I run locally
>> there is a lot more white space so that the contact information page takes
>> 2-3 screens (rather that one).
> Then I looked at the contact page and... aaah, there it is:
> [image: image.png]
> Way too much space between components. Ok, I agree we have a problem :-D
> Cheers
> Andrea
> ==
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