On Mon, Nov 28, 2022 at 5:25 PM Gabriel Roldan <gabriel.rol...@gmail.com>

> Hi Andrea,
> for the record, here's the branch with the catalog loader optimization
> [1]. I need to add some docs before
> proposing it as a community module, but it's working ok in a vanilla
> geoserver deployment with ~80k layers, ~4k workspaces,
> and wms/wfs/wcs/wmts services configured for each workspace individually,
> which surprisingly was a big perf offender.


> That said, it won't help with the home page combos at all.
> My proposal would be to use progressive loading instead of preemptive
> loading of all workspaces/layers. The downside is you need to
> know at least a couple of letters about what you're looking for, but IMO
> it's a good compromise.

Seems like a match with Jody's experiment with autocomplete text areas.
Wondering if it could be again some graceful degradation,
with stricter limits... dunno use dropdowns below 100 items, and
autocomplete text area above.
The reason would be to avoid the "blank input anxiety" at least for the
small cases. Just thinking out loud, mind!

> Catalog-side wise, it'd only perform
> well if there's an actual full-text-search engine backing the search. Back
> in the day I had a prototype for an in-memory lucene index
> running the searches for the UI's full text searches that worked like a
> charm, but IIRC missed a good update of the index whenever
> something changes. That could be something to do some research on.




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