Hi again,

> yes I believe this is worth reporting a bug.
Ok, I will do.

>    - Have FlatGeoBuf implement a DBTYPE
> <https://github.com/geotools/geotools/blob/1e036c73a4e420beeeb86c381c797a898a68c8a7/modules/library/jdbc/src/main/java/org/geotools/jdbc/JDBCDataStoreFactory.java#L50>
>  like
>    parameter, which is used as a discriminator for factories, and it's
>    normally hidden from users... the ShapefileDirectoryFactory is equally at
>    fault for just requiring a directory BTW, but it has been available for so
>    long that changing it would affect too many existing installations.
is it worth creating an issue on geotools as well, then ?


-- Pierre
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