Dear Devs,
I would like to introduce a very small but useful community module, WFS
Freemarker Template.

This one is a super-light module which basically allows to expose the HTML
output, the same used by the WMS module to render the GetFetureInfo one,
for the WFS too.

The extension is optional, of course, and therefore the now output format
will be enabled only when installing the module.

The WFS FreeMarker plugin enables the application of a FreeMarker template
to a WFS GetFeature response, allowing for the generation of HTML output,
akin to the functionality already present for WMS GetFeatureInfo requests.

It leverages the same logic and machinery utilized in templating WMS
responses, utilizing the org.geoserver.wms.featureinfo.HTMLTemplateManager

This feature is also accessible on the Layer Preview page in GeoServer,
where a new HTML output format is provided for the WFS preview.

*NOTE*: This module requires a minor refactoring of the WMS GetFeatureInfo
classes in order to expose the HTMLFreemarkerTemplate private class as a
public one.



Alessio Fabiani

GeoServer Professional Services from the experts!

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Ing. Alessio Fabiani

Founder/Technical Lead

GeoSolutions Group
phone: +39 0584 962313

fax:     +39 0584 1660272

mob:   +39  331 6233686


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