On 09/08/2010 04:46 PM, Joaquín Rodriguez-Guerra Urcelay wrote:
> I am really worried about the time that is taking to load new data into
> geoserver and maybe you guys can help me out with some parameters or
> configurations.
> I have been inserting a TIF file and 2 SHAPEFILES every 15 minutes in my
> geoserver during the last month automatically using REST. At first the
> operation was taking maybe 10 seconds, but right now at this point it is 
> taking
> more thatn 2 minutes to insert each file. I think this is not a REST issue,
> since inserting a TIF file manually following these steps is taking (after
> almost 10000 files were inserted in geoserver) 2 minutes:

As of now, the Geoserver file-based catalog is not meant for a large number of 
entries, especially when feature types are concerned.

One workaround may be the setting of the cached feature types  to the number of 
feature types expected to be loaded, please refer to the "global settings" 
page (this feature has been there since 2.0.2, so you may need to upgrade).


Luca Morandini
[GIS, IT, Statistics]

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