I have an OpenLayers application that uses style rules to only show WMS data
in a layer that matches certain criteria.

However, it has an info tool that uses the OpenLayers WMSGetFeatureInfo
control to get popup information about the layer. This uses the WMS
GetFeatureInfo mode, and the popups are rendered using Freemarker templates.

The problem is that the info tool returns data for objects that are not
visible. I'd like to be able to only output the template if the data matches
the criteria that were used to filter the layer, whcih I was ging to pass
via the GetFeatureInfo request.

It should technically be possible to read Request parameters in Freemarker
templates, but in Geoserver**** (2.0.1) it doesn't seem to be enabled.

I noticed a post about enabling Request parameters
but I'm not sure if it's possible to apply these settings in

(I noticed a file dispatcher-servlet.xml under Tomcat webapps, but
attempting to add settings to it was unsuccessful.)

Can anyone tell me if it is possible to read request parameters in templates
under Geoserver?

Rohan Parkes
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