Thanks, but I think our problem is more complex. We have been testing
without rasters (only the five vecorial layers), and the performance goes on
being very bad :S

2010/10/1 <>

> Upps, I see your problem. I had the same situation. Your tiles have 3
> bands, red,green and blue. So you need about 3 times more bytes compared to
> an image with a color table.
>  is the utility you need.
> Be careful, you cannot compare the file size of an image after applying the
> utility.  The images are compressed, so you cannot simply divide file sizes
> by 3.
> Within the Java VM, the tiles have to be decompressed, merged and
> interpolated to get an image of the right size. You need much more memory
> and much more  CPU power to process multiband images.
> IMPORTANT: You have to apply rgb2pct on the big picture, not on the tiles.
> Afterward you can use
> to create your tiles.
> Btw, you said you use Oracle. Do you have a license for Oracle Spatial ?.
> If this is the case, you can
> use this plugin
> You only have to import the big picture,tiling and pyramids are created
> within Oracle.
> Hope this helps
> Christian
> Quoting DGIS Devels <>:
>  Hi! We have tested with  six layers: five Oracle DB layers and a ECW
>> mosaic. GeoWebCache stores tiles in the same machine where Geoserver
>> instances run.
>> We generated "data" tiles in PNG (palette safe) and images in JPEG. I'm
>> not
>> sure about the type of these images. I give you the result of the
>> gdalinfo,
>> I hope it is useful:
>> gdalinfo 2400_1338.jpeg
>> Size is 512, 512
>> Coordinate System is `'
>> Corner Coordinates:
>> Upper Left  (    0.0,    0.0)
>> Lower Left  (    0.0,  512.0)
>> Upper Right (  512.0,    0.0)
>> Lower Right (  512.0,  512.0)
>> Center      (  256.0,  256.0)
>> Band 1 Block=512x1 Type=Byte, ColorInterp=Red
>> Band 2 Block=512x1 Type=Byte, ColorInterp=Green
>> Band 3 Block=512x1 Type=Byte, ColorInterp=Blue
>> Thanks
>> 2010/10/1 <>
>>  Some additional questions.
>>> You wrote about tiles, so you are talking about raster/image data ?
>>> Where are your tiles stored. On a shared drive or in a database ?
>>> if you use a database, which one ?
>>> Are your tiles multiband images or images with a color table. If you are
>>> unsure, send me the output of
>>> gdalinfo yourtile.png.   I achieved a performance boost when switching
>>> from
>>> multiband images to images with a color table.
>>> Cheers
>>> Christian
>>> Quoting DGIS Devels <>:
>>>  Hi, we have a question about Geoserver performance.
>>>> We have been trying for a couple of months to find a good configuration
>>>> that
>>>> offers a solution to our use case. You can see our current architecture
>>>> in
>>>> the attachment:
>>>> - WebLogic cluster with 2 machines and 4 managed servers (2 per
>>>> machine).
>>>> We
>>>> have tested it whit JRockit and Sun JVM.
>>>> - 4 Geoservers (one per managed server)
>>>> - 2 GeoWebCaches (one per machine)
>>>> - A software balancer which balances requests between GeoWebCaches and
>>>> Geoservers
>>>> We've testing too with a lot of values c for parameters like memory,
>>>> render
>>>> memory, timeouts, DB connections ...
>>>> Our goal is to support 85 concurrent users performing an average of 5
>>>> map
>>>>  requests  (near of 100 256x256 tiles) in a time of 10 minutes. It must
>>>> be
>>>> equivalent, according to our calculations, to respond to some 85000
>>>> requests
>>>> in those 10 minutes.
>>>> So far, the max number of request we've been able to response is about
>>>> 30000
>>>> tiles. In most cases, some GeoServers or GeoWebCaches instances crashes.
>>>> Anybody has made similar tests? Do you think is possible to reach a
>>>> similar
>>>> performance?
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