Ciao Juanita,
please, read my comments below...

Ing. Simone Giannecchini
GeoSolutions S.A.S.

Via Poggio alle Viti 1187
55054  Massarosa (LU)

phone: +39 0584962313
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On Thu, Feb 3, 2011 at 5:27 PM, Juanita Avila <> wrote:
> I've had all sorts of trouble getting GeoServer 2.0.2 to create an
> ImageMosaic from GeoTIFF files. No matter what I try I get this error:
> Could not list layers for this store, an error occurred retrieving them:
> Unable to acquire a reader for this coverage with format: ImageMosaic
> I finally managed to create an ImageMosaic by taking a hint from the
> mosaic_sample that ships with GeoServer and converting my GeoTIFF files to
> PNGs, but I don't feel that this is an ideal solution.
> I suspect that the GeoServer GeoTIFF reader is not quite compatible with
> the GeoTIFF files that I'm using, even though I've tried all sorts of
> conversion tools including gdalwarp, Erdas ViewFinder. I've even followed
> the old instructions for manually generating shape information with
> gdaltindex.
> The images that I'm attempting to mosaic are publically available at this
> site:
> Notice that each image also comes with a world file (.tfw) and an HTML text
> description.

These geotiff files do not have a proper EPSG code, GeoServer requires
it in order
to publish them.

> These files are somewhat problematic to mosaic in their native state because
> each has it's own localized projection. However, I found that I easily could
> reproject the files to EPSG:4326 (WGS 84) with both Erdas ViewFinder and
> gdalwarp.

You should not reproject each of them separately, you should try to
merge them first (look at gdal_merge for this)
otherwise you can use gdal_warp and warp all of them at the same time.
If you don't do this you'll get all sort of
side effects (i.e. black collar) at the edges.

> In fact, I also had trouble creating a simple GeoTIFF store/layer from just
> one of these files until I removed the .tif extension from the file. Once I
> did that, GeoServer had no trouble processing the image!

Honestly I have no idea what you are talking about here.

> GeoServer could not
> determine projection information unless I reprojected the files to EPSG:4326
> first, but it did load the files either way, so long at the .tif extension
> was removed. I also tried .tiff, .geotiff, .TIF, .TIFF, and .GeoTIFF; but
> the only method that worked was no extension at all!

Same as above for the extension of the files. As far as the projection
is concerned, geoserver
sees the projection but it needs a proper epsg code which we do not
have for these files.

> Let's consider creating a simple mosaic with just 2 images that are right
> next to each other on a map of the earth:
> Chicago 81 North.tif
> Detroit 81 North.tif
> The projection information for each of these files is identical (NAD83 ,
> EPS:4269) except for the "latitude of origin":
> Chicago: "latitude_of_origin",42.66666666666666
> Detroit: "latitude_of_origin",42.1
> The tif files also reference the .tfw files.
> gdalwarp -t_srs EPSG:4326 "Chicago 81 North.tif" 4326_chicago_81_north.tif
> gdalwarp -t_srs EPSG:4326 "Detroit 81 North.tif" 4326_detroit_81_north.tif
> After these conversions, the GeoTIFF files no longer reference the tfw files
> and the tif files share the exact same projection:
> GEOGCS["WGS 84",
>     DATUM["WGS_1984",
>         SPHEROID["WGS 84",6378137,298.257223563,
>             AUTHORITY["EPSG","7030"]],
>         AUTHORITY["EPSG","6326"]],
>     PRIMEM["Greenwich",0],
>     UNIT["degree",0.0174532925199433],
>     AUTHORITY["EPSG","4326"]]
> By copying them to a new chic_det_test directory under the geoserver
> coverages directory, I can try to create a new ImageMosaic store:
> Data Source Name: chic_det_test
> URL: file:coverages/chic_det_test
> I always see my favorite error, even if I remove the .tif extensions from
> the files:
> Could not list layers for this store, an error occurred retrieving them:
> Unable to acquire a reader for this coverage with format: ImageMosaic
> A survey of the geoserver.log file provides no additional information on the
> cause of the problem:
> 2011-02-03 10:57:50,343 INFO [geoserver.web] - Getting list of coverages for
> saved store file:coverages/chic_det_test
> java.lang.RuntimeException: Could not list layers for this store, an error
> occurred retrieving them: Unable to acquire a reader for this coverage with
> format: ImageMosaic
> The Erdas ViewFinder method is similar. I open the files in that GUI
> tool, choose to save as TIFF, with the following Output File Options:
> Change Output Pixel Size to Degrees
> Change Output Projection to Category: Geographic and Projection: Lat/Lon
> (WGS 84)
> Resample Method: Nearest Neighbor
> Erdas ViewFinder produces a .tfw AND an .aux file, which are both referenced
> in the .tif file, so I copy the .tif, .tfw, and .aux files to a new
> erdas_chic_det_test folder under geoserver coverages and try again.
> Data Source Name: erdas_chic_det_test
> URL: file:coverages/erdas_chic_det_test
> Same error!

What you did below is not recommended. Png is a bad format for generic
gis serving.

Here (
is a video that shows what I did in my tests. I used a snapshot for
geoserver 2.0.x taken from here:

2.0.x is stable hence you can use it.


> I finally got smart and renamed the .tfw files to .pgw files, grabbed the
> projection information the .tif files and created a .prj for each tif, then
> opened the tifs in an image editing tool and saved as .png. At least the
> image editing allowed me to strip off the legend information (which we
> really do not want to display on map of the earth).
> That did the trick, but it's not a great solution. These maps are regularly
> updated, so we'll need to follow this process every couple months to keep
> our site up to date.
> If you have any other recommendations, I'd be very grateful!
> Thanks for your help,
>     Juanita Dahlin
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